New Releases for April 2020 - Conquest of America (1 Viewer)


Apr 21, 2014

The Aztec Empire flourished between c. 1345 and 1521 and, at its greatest extent, covered most of northern Mesoamerica. Aztec warriors were able to dominate their neighbouring states and permit rulers such as Motecuhzoma II to impose Aztec ideals and religion across Mexico. Highly accomplished in agriculture and trade, the last of the great Mesoamerican civilizations was also noted for its art and architecture which ranks amongst the finest ever produced on the continent.
The empire continued to expand from 1430 and the Aztec military - bolstered by conscription of all adult males, men supplied from allied and conquered states, and such elite groups as the Eagle and Jaguar warriors - swept aside their rivals. Aztec warriors wore padded cotton armour, carried a wooden or reed shield covered in hide, and wielded weapons such as a super sharp obsidian sword-club (macuahuitl), a spear or dart thrower (atlatl), and bow and arrows. Elite warriors also wore spectacular feathered and animal skin costumes and headdresses to signify their rank. Battles were concentrated in or around major cities and when these fell the victors claimed the whole surrounding territory. Regular tributes were extracted and captives were taken back to Tenochtitlan for ritual sacrifice. In this way the Aztec empire came to cover most of northern Mexico, an area of some 135,000 square kilometres.
The Aztec state was centered on political expansion and dominance of and exaction of tribute from other city states, and warfare was the basic dynamic force in Aztec politics. Aztec society was also centered on warfare: every Aztec male received basic military training from an early age and the only possibility of upwards social mobility for commoners was through military achievement — especially the taking of captives
The sacrifice of war captives was an important part of many of the Aztec religious festivals.

Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec Empire. The city was built on an island in what was then Lake Texcoco in the valley of Mexico.
In the centre of Tenochtitlan was a walled square, where in temples on top of high pyramids Aztec holy men honoured their gods with colourful ceremonies and human sacrifices.


The jjDesigns Aztec Temple Complex pieces can be combined to create a suitable backdrop which can fit on a standard 36” wide shelf.
Either the exterior of the walled complex or the interior of the walled complex can be represented.

A display simular to the Roman Fort can be created, which can represent a simple shelf backdrop or a complete fort/temple complex!



The Corner Wall section is 3 3/4” wide by 5” high and 3 3/4” deep.


The Temple Walled Shelf display is 35” wide by 5 ½” deep, and 7” high




From the moment of Christopher Columbus' discovery of lands previously unknown to Europe in
1492, the New World captured the imagination of European adventurers. Thousands of men came
to the New World to seek fortune, glory, and land. For two centuries, these men explored the New
World, conquering any native people they came across in the name of the King of Spain (and the
hope of gold). They came to be known as the Conquistadors.

La Malinche was a Nahua woman from the Mexican Gulf coast, who played a key role in the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, acting as an interpreter, advisor, and intermediary for the Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortes. She was one of 20 women slaves given to the Spaniards by the natives of tabasco in 1519.
Later she gave birth to Cortes’s first son, Martin.


La Malinche.
(1 pc)


Spanish Cavalryman.
(2 pcs)


The temple is coming together. The horse is another beauty. Nice to see releases are still on track. Robin.
The temple is coming together. The horse is another beauty. Nice to see releases are still on track. Robin.

With last month’s announcements still not yet released because of the Coronavirus, does it really make sense to announce more releases, which will probably be delayed. I hate to be a Cassandra but it’s not business as usual.
With last month’s announcements still not yet released because of the Coronavirus, does it really make sense to announce more releases, which will probably be delayed. I hate to be a Cassandra but it’s not business as usual.
You are almost as positive as Katana!

Seriously, for a purchaser of such small amounts of JJD figures, you always have so much to say.

Can’t remember ever seeing you here in HK.

Also, the reference to Cassandra assumes you are some prophetic ball gazer - far from it.

Zoloft helps
Another voice from the rubbish bin. Hit the road Jack.
Vicknor and JJD Have got it right.
The releases wont be delayed.
the factories across the border are getting back to normal.
at our port operation up in qingdao we exceeded budgeted container lift by 60% last week.
a massive 100,000 teu more than normal.
shenzhen across the border coming back on line also , albeit a little slower.
china is steaming back.

Another voice from the rubbish bin. Hit the road Jack.

Im quite sure you’d love the fact you are without doubt the most discussed member of this board amongst its Asia (and beyond) members

I can assure you that the constant and frequent WhatsApp’s / Facebooks / Meetings / Gatherings/ that end up discussing your attitude on this board do you no favours.
Im quite sure you’d love the fact you are without doubt the most discussed member of this board amongst its Asia (and beyond) members

I can assure you that the constant and frequent WhatsApp’s / Facebooks / Meetings / Gatherings/ that end up discussing your attitude on this board do you no favours.

Better to be discussed than ignored, no?

Vicknor and JJD Have got it right.
The releases wont be delayed.
the factories across the border are getting back to normal.
at our port operation up in qingdao we exceeded budgeted container lift by 60% last week.
a massive 100,000 teu more than normal.
shenzhen across the border coming back on line also , albeit a little slower.
china is steaming back.

I do hope that things are returning to normal as I have several items on order but the proof is in the proverbial pudding.

The best thing we can all wish is a return to normalcy but if the big drop in the financial markets are a guide, that may be a while in coming.
With last month’s announcements still not yet released because of the Coronavirus, does it really make sense to announce more releases, which will probably be delayed. I hate to be a Cassandra but it’s not business as usual.

I gto my order through for the Feb releases last week, after ordering 4 days before and have been told that March 2020 sets will be available for me to pick at the London show, i see no delays,.
I wish i could use ths post in my garden as it is full of the stuff that make plants grow.
I understand last month’s releases have just shipped out so apologies to John and all for over reacting.
By the way, here is a photo of my Conquest collection :wink2:

I’d photograph my Spanish Civil War collection (I have all of the issues) but it’s in storage right now.

I understand last month’s releases have just shipped out so apologies to John and all for over reacting.

Cheers, nice to see somone hold up their hands.

I have concerns about the London Show, it is 19 days away and in the UK [according to government sources on the BBC] we are due for a rapid increase in cases. Plus the event is in a school and it could be the school management that pull the show, i have to say the majority of the people attending are in the danger age group, i am in my mid to late 50s and i feel young when i am there. The shows do sometime feel like Gods waiting room. Finally the K & C representative, one of the leading companies at the London show, lives in Milan and is currently in lock down.
I like to visit and chat to a few guys who share my own passion for our hobby and spend way more than i thought i would.
Cheers, nice to see somone hold up their hands.

I have concerns about the London Show, it is 19 days away and in the UK [according to government sources on the BBC] we are due for a rapid increase in cases. Plus the event is in a school and it could be the school management that pull the show, i have to say the majority of the people attending are in the danger age group, i am in my mid to late 50s and i feel young when i am there. The shows do sometime feel like Gods waiting room. Finally the K & C representative, one of the leading companies at the London show, lives in Milan and is currently in lock down.
I like to visit and chat to a few guys who share my own passion for our hobby and spend way more than i thought i would.

When you make a mistake, you have to take responsibility. Specific apologies to Vicknor as well.

I understand your concerns about the Show as I went to a small one yesterday. I’m in your age group and a little on edge as I’m taking care of my wife (who is recovering from heart surgery) so am concerned about getting something and passing it onto her. We are currently in difficult times.

At any rate, I’m looking forward to receiving the new Conquistador and the Trapper releases.
When you make a mistake, you have to take responsibility. Specific apologies to Vicknor as well.

I understand your concerns about the Show as I went to a small one yesterday. I’m in your age group and a little on edge as I’m taking care of my wife (who is recovering from heart surgery) so am concerned about getting something and passing it onto her. We are currently in difficult times.

At any rate, I’m looking forward to receiving the new Conquistador and the Trapper releases.

The organisers of the London Show have put something on the website and the show will be going ahead as of today. On the Trapper releases i agree, i am thinking of pushing into that range, there is only 2 sets, but will be interested in knowing where the range will go. will it be the peaceful Trappers in a column or in a base camp,will there be a group involving trappers skirmishing with Indians. I am reading through the Bernard De Votobooks at the minute. The 2 released figures would look great as a small group.

I understand your concern on illness, i live alone so generally self isolate anyway, i have my last day at work tomorrow as i am just fed up of my job and will be taking a few weeks/months off. Visiting elderly relatives is a worry but Flu also kills as do many other things. Just living and taking moderate precausions.

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