New Releases for April 2022 - Conquest of America (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Feb 2, 2011

The Aztec Empire flourished between c. 1345 and 1521 and, at its greatest extent, covered most of northern Mesoamerica. Aztec warriors were able to dominate their neighbouring states and permit rulers such as Motecuhzoma II to impose Aztec ideals and religion across Mexico. Highly accomplished in agriculture and trade, the last of the great Mesoamerican civilizations was also noted for its art and architecture which ranks amongst the finest ever produced on the continent.

The empire continued to expand from 1430 and the Aztec military - bolstered by conscription of all adult males, men supplied from allied and conquered states, and such elite groups as the Eagle and Jaguar warriors - swept aside their rivals. Aztec warriors wore padded cotton armour, carried a wooden or reed shield covered in hide, and wielded weapons such as a super sharp obsidian sword-club (macuahuitl), a spear or dart thrower (atlatl), and bow and arrows. Elite warriors also wore spectacular feathered and animal skin costumes and headdresses to signify their rank. Battles were concentrated in or around major cities and when these fell the victors claimed the whole surrounding territory. Regular tributes were extracted and captives were taken back to Tenochtitlan for ritual sacrifice. In this way the Aztec empire came to cover most of northern Mexico, an area of some 135,000 square kilometres.

Soldiers who succeeded in capturing two enemies were awarded a uniform consisting of a body suit called a “tlahuiztli”, a tall conical cap called a “copilli” and a shield marked with black designs described as “hawk scratches”.
The Tlahuiztli was made of sewn cotton. Red, yellow, blue or green feathers were meticulously stitched to the cloth in the workshops of conquered city-states and sent to Tenochtitlan each year as tribute.




The Huaxtec area held a particular fascination for the Aztecs because it was rich in cotton. The goddess of spinners and weavers was called Tlazolteotl.
For this reason the soldiers thought it appropriate to wear hanks of un-spun cotton through their ear spools, as well as the “Yacameztli” or “nose moon” in gold in honour of her role as a patron of the moon.





We don't have everything so far, but we shall collect this range to the bitter end.
We don't need a sacrifice scene (but that must be coming some day and will, no doubt, be awesome). We can't do the naval attack on Tenochtitlan. Canoes and all, awesome, but no.
Casualties yes (for Aztecs, Spaniards should be pop too tho) and maybe hounds, and any great poses.
John is a very generous and fair businessman. If you need proof, just ask.
Paddy for Pat&Pat
We don't have everything so far, but we shall collect this range to the bitter end.
We don't need a sacrifice scene (but that must be coming some day and will, no doubt, be awesome). We can't do the naval attack on Tenochtitlan. Canoes and all, awesome, but no.
Casualties yes (for Aztecs, Spaniards should be pop too tho) and maybe hounds, and any great poses.
John is a very generous and fair businessman. If you need proof, just ask.
Paddy for Pat&Pat

I collect the Aztecs and i am also wondering where we go, only interested in the Aztec sub series of the Conquest of America, not the stuff that is coming out from 'further North'. Still 4 sets short, but will pick up soon, not into a sacrifice scene, but have no idea where it could go from here, looking at the numbers, there are 5 missing [or gaps] for the Aztecs and a single missing number for the Spanish, so fingers crossed there will be a few more released.

It is an impressive range and AZ11 is one of favourite figures out of the hundreds of JJD, K&C and TGM figures i have.
I've collected them all bar a few colour variants. My finances wouldn't mind a break.
I would love re-releases of some of the Conquistadors wearing padded jackets wearing armor. Of course, I collect them for the Great Siege of Malta where they were not likely to only be wearing padding.
I would love re-releases of some of the Conquistadors wearing padded jackets wearing armor. Of course, I collect them for the Great Siege of Malta where they were not likely to only be wearing padding.

Great idea, but would rather John re-purposed them and use them in a new range of the Seige Of Malta, got me thinking of what he could make, Hospitaller Knights, Janissary's, Sipahi, plus the troops from the garrison, Spaish troops, Italian troops, civilians, freed Galley Slaves, etc

Could also look at the relief force - Papel Troops, Spanish Empire, Genoa, Florance, ETC

Just one scream of caution - from my wallet.
Great idea, but would rather John re-purposed them and use them in a new range of the Seige Of Malta, got me thinking of what he could make, Hospitaller Knights, Janissary's, Sipahi, plus the troops from the garrison, Spaish troops, Italian troops, civilians, freed Galley Slaves, etc

Could also look at the relief force - Papel Troops, Spanish Empire, Genoa, Florance, ETC

Just one scream of caution - from my wallet.

Yeah, that would be incredible. He would own my wallet. FL also has a lot that could be repurposed for the range.
Yeah, that would be incredible. He would own my wallet. FL also has a lot that could be repurposed for the range.

When it comes to FL, to afford them i would have to sell a kidney, will stick with JJ, TGM and K & C.
Great idea, but would rather John re-purposed them and use them in a new range of the Seige Of Malta, got me thinking of what he could make, Hospitaller Knights, Janissary's, Sipahi, plus the troops from the garrison, Spaish troops, Italian troops, civilians, freed Galley Slaves, etc

Could also look at the relief force - Papel Troops, Spanish Empire, Genoa, Florance, ETC

Just one scream of caution - from my wallet.

Love Malta since I heard of it and the later read the Osprey book when it was recently released.
Great idea!
Woe to the wallet, though...
I'm using the Spaniards from this range for the Battle of Pavia. Have two different set ups, one with FL mounted French (capture of Francis I) and another of massed pikeme,. swordmen, arquebusiers and crossbowmen. On this set up, I'm using Kronprinz mounted figures
I also have another separate of only Spaniards with the mounted figures in the Americas.
All these go very well, JJD, FL and Kronprinz.
I'm using the Spaniards from this range for the Battle of Pavia. Have two different set ups, one with FL mounted French (capture of Francis I) and another of massed pikeme,. swordmen, arquebusiers and crossbowmen. On this set up, I'm using Kronprinz mounted figures
I also have another separate of only Spaniards with the mounted figures in the Americas.
All these go very well, JJD, FL and Kronprinz.

Nice! Love to see pictures

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