New releases for December 2023 -Polish Winged Hussar (VEA6001) (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Oct 21, 2019
Hello Collectors!

Thank you for waiting!

The first 3 Polish Winged Hussar have finally come out, and I am quite satisfied with the overall effect, I hope you will like them. At the same time, I am very eager to get everyone's opinions and suggestions.

We can arrange shipment of VEA6001 to VEA6003 by the end of this month. Not only, we give you an early preview at two new unpainted Hussar, one with a knife, and one with a lance, and two new ones are being carved.

Do you have any more outrageous ideas for developing new Winged Hussar? Let me know!!

Have a great weekend!
T.M. Jack


John III Sobieski, King of Poland (1629-96)

The most famous of all the Polish kings, Sobieski's achievements at Vienna have straddled the centuries, and he remains an impeccable hero to many Poles today. Born into a wealthy and distinguished family from Volhynia (western Ukraine), he learnt from an early age that the prosperity of his family was bound up in the fortunes of the frontier province. In 1648, at the end of a two-year tour of Europe where he studied mifitary science and fortifications, he returned to Poland and was engulfed in the Cossack rebellion (1648-54) of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Raising and commanding his own banner of cavalry (100-200 men) his military talents were quickly revealed, and following a crushing Polish victory at the Battle of Berestechko(1651), where he fought with distinction, he was sent by King John II Casimir to be the Polish envoy at the Ottoman court. Whilst there he studied the Ottoman military traditions and tactics and learned the Tatar language.

In 1655 the First Northern War erupted, and Sweden overran Poland in what became known as the 'Bloody Deluge', Sobieski was part of a Greater Polish regiment that capitulated at Ujscie and swore allegiance to Charles X Gustav of Sweden. In less than a year, however, he returned with his unit to the Polish side and fought for the Polish king in the two three-day battles at Warsaw, where he commanded his 2,000-strong Tatar cavalry force with such distinction that he was promoted to be Crown Standard Bearer. He was a strong supporter of the French faction and remained loyal to the crown during Lubomirski's Rebellion (1665-66) and he was promoted to Crown Field Hetman in 1665. After the victory over the Cossacks and their Tatar allies at the First Battle of Podhajce (1667) he was promoted to Grand Crown Hetman, the highest rank in the Polish--Lithuanian Commonwealth and that of the commander-in-chief of the entire Polish army. The victory that really set him on his way to greatness was at the Battle of Chocim(1673) where he defeated the Ottomans in a monumental struggle and captured its powerful eponymous fortress. With news of the battle and of the death of King Michael Korybut Wisniowiecki spreading simultaneously across the country, sobieski soon became a strong candidate for king. The following year he was elected as the new monarch, and in February 1676 he was crowned John III Sobieski.

Sobieski was the model warrior hero for his time, spiritually sharp with a strong Catholic faith, and a decisive and vigorous man. Unlike Leopold, he tolerated Jews and Protestants within his realm. He attempted to provide Poland with a stronger institution of government and desired to establish permanent borders and security for Poland, notably in his attempt to establish an international coalition against Islam. In spring 1683, spies uncovered Ottoman preparations for a campaign, ostensibly against the southern borders of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; as a result, Sobieski began to fortify the cities of Lvov and Cracow and ordered universal military conscription.
vea6001 (1).JPG
vea6001 (2).JPG
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Jack, these figures are outstanding. Beautifully sculpted and painted, congratulations. I suggest two more with lances so a collector can create a great charging scene.
Thank you for making such beautiful figures.
Looking Forward to adding some more winged lancers to my FL Winged Colllection (hopefully same scale/ or real close to those), please keep us informed about the future additions...
Jack, these figures are outstanding. Beautifully sculpted and painted, congratulations. I suggest two more with lances so a collector can create a great charging scene.
Thank you for making such beautiful figures.

Agree with Jason, two more figures charging with lances are needed. You could always do another flag bearer as the Polish were not short of banners. I will purchase these three and see how they go with my First Legion figures.
I would liked to add one or two to my FL collection but will wait until I see what others think.
Many thanks to every collector for your suggestions!

In the future, I will add 3 new figures, two with lances at 45° angle up/down, and a flagbearer.

Best wishes,
T.M. Jack
I would love to see how they work with the FL figures.

As to suggestions for future releases, I would love to see some wounded figures, maybe one on a collapsing horse. I would also love some more Ottomans!
Many thanks to every collector for your suggestions!

In the future, I will add 3 new figures, two with lances at 45° angle up/down, and a flagbearer.

Best wishes,
T.M. Jack
If real popular, all those three plus another guy with a sword,.different arm angle?
these riders are exceptional... I collect Native American riders at TM but also JJD and K&C..
when I see the quality of these Polish riders, I hope to see another set of Sioux/Cheyenne riders at TM soon!
congratulations on these sculptures, it was long but it was worth the wait..
suffice to say that it should sell out very quickly!
This is just my personal opinion and I certainly don't want to offend fellow collectors in love with these, but I was really hoping they would work well with my FL dio but I think there is just to much difference in the finish and horse sculpt to make it work.

If someone buys some of these guys who already has the FL versions it would be great to see them side by side from all angles, I would love to have a change of heart. :salute::
mfg Gebhard
these riders are exceptional... I collect Native American riders at TM but also JJD and K&C..
when I see the quality of these Polish riders, I hope to see another set of Sioux/Cheyenne riders at TM soon!
congratulations on these sculptures, it was long but it was worth the wait..
suffice to say that it should sell out very quickly!

I think TM, JJD & K&C Native American horsemen all go well together. We have some of each, mostly K&C.

Dad & I have older Frontline Figures Polish Hussars and TM's versions will be much better. They may fit with each other, though. But I doubt TM's Hussars can achieve the quality for FL and Russian-made cavalry. But they can still add to a charge!

Just some thoughts. Best Wishes from the US and
Merry Christmas!
I think TM, JJD & K&C Native American horsemen all go well together. We have some of each, mostly K&C.

Dad & I have older Frontline Figures Polish Hussars and TM's versions will be much better. They may fit with each other, though. But I doubt TM's Hussars can achieve the quality for FL and Russian-made cavalry. But they can still add to a charge!

Just some thoughts. Best Wishes from the US and
Merry Christmas!

TM is just starting, so there will be some degree of difference, Just as long as Scale wise it is the same, This Miniatures will be a good addition, as far as the picture looks, the crafting is real good..
As far as First Legion, they were the first, and the best, I have the First Two Standard Bearers, Plus Sobieski, to lead them. they look great, possibly unbeatable, I personally would never sell/ trade them for anything.., but the chance to add possibly 10 more pieces, with different sculpts, would be really great.I am.looking forward to it....
They are fantastic quality figures. I cant wait to see the compatibility test between TM and FL, there will be a difference in pricepoints but they should blend well. I have mixed n matched Franco Prussian War figures from these two brands well
I got the Maxim set, Teddy Roosevelt, and The Gattling gun, every piece has been great, pretty comparable to FIrst Legion Products, FL just might be half a step ahead, with their sculpts, painting...
As far as the pictures, from both manufacturer's, the FL ones might have an overall thicker/heavier looking pieces, Lances, poles, horses, plus the FL pieces looks more like in a slow/medium gallop, while the TM ones are on a full gallop/ Charge..But that shouldn't detract me from buying the TM pieces.
If there is a great difference, I would definitely would welcome having a different/ larger in numbers set of Winged Lancers collection..
Thanks Team, i hust bought these first three Polish releases. I love them and will buy the next releases

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