New Releases? (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Mar 1, 2007
Is John taking a break this month?
Not that he wouldn't deserve it :wink2:, but I'm still curious if anything comes up about what to expect during May?
If the next releases will be announced for June, that's fine as well, since I still got enough to get as it is ^&grin

Is John taking a break this month?
Not that he wouldn't deserve it :wink2:, but I'm still curious if anything comes up about what to expect during May?
If the next releases will be announced for June, that's fine as well, since I still got enough to get as it is ^&grin


Pretty sure there will be a release this month with a plane, a vehicle and some figures 😂

I've already given in my order but I think John was just debating which stuff to release. There's also the fact that Easter here in Hong Kong is getting to be a bigger holiday than elsewhere and that's probably held things up a little.

The vehicle (if it is released) will keep everyone very happy
The upcoming month release announcement usually gets posted shortly after the previous announced releases arrive in the shops. I believe Treefrog just received the April release.........So if this holds true, I'll bet we'll see something on Monday.
[There are rumours of a roman range , anyone hear anything re this

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