New Set of Engeneer Basevich (2 Viewers)

Plastic General

Dec 11, 2013
Just heard it from Russia!
New set of ENGENEER BASSEVICH to be reviled / released on Sept 25!!!
YA!! I hope its WWII?

Plastic General
Another plastic mystery. I do give Steve credit. My first stop when I arrive at OTSN will be his room to see what these new and mysterious sets are. Second stop John Stengals room to see the new VietNam figures.
no mystery ,it is posted in Stad forum already. Officially available since September 20 on Russia and released already

Ya!!!!! I knew someone had to eventually be smart enough to do them!
Leave it to ENGENEER BASS, my favorite toy soldier company

Plastic General!
It's not Tito's Partisans only... You have also the Chetniks of Mihailovic too (Royalists) :salute::
The two leaders are drawn on the box and are in the box
The entire link is taken almost word by word all written in Wikipedia that is not a historical correct source at all. It is taken from most 70’s communist propaganda I had read before.
Two third of the army forces were used in occupation-not engage in any type of ant partisan action at all.

Any way any conventional army in order to take any guerrilla army insurgency need overwhelm superior forces ,least in numbers and also scout air recognizance and air force to attack before they scape.
Sample US army in Vietnam operation against south Vietnamese communist forces (often very inferior in forces) have to keep superior south Vietnamese regular army and US army forces in field to cover the territory occupied and all around plus chasing operation that required more soldier to cover extend territory and else.
Guerilla tactics are hit and run. Attack weak points, then run and spread in different direction divided in small groups often avoiding major engagement as would not survive any if try.
Castro rebel army in CUBA were less than 4000 in the high pick and the gob army sent against them was more than 35 000.Still when engaging no more than equal or smaller number were facing each other because of partisan/guerrilla tactics that often eliminated the superior factor on the foes.
At 2nd battle of Fallujah in Iraq the US and allied combined forces were far superior in numbers and of course tec/weapons ;still and with the city been surrounded that eliminate the possibility of best guerrilla tactic but with many civilian used as human shield it took month to clean and eliminate and cost many lives.
In the Yugoslavian 1941-1945 the German army used no more than 20% Germans, rest were Italian, Rumanian, Bulgaria ,serv in the side of them and others. Most of those as per own Yugoslavian account did not fight as well aggressive as German and that weakest was used by Tito to often broke to encirclement during battles.
Tito army was massive supplied by URSS and Britain .
Britain along supplied them with 125 000 rifles ,14000 sub machine gun,1852 mortars.1 million grenades,46 motorcyles,2500 bykes,125 small cannon,115 AA guns and by 1944 place two permanent airfields to support with airstrikes near by all operation. After 1943 Italy surrender, almost all Italian army weapon were hand free to TITO by Italian as per agreement,included artillery,airplane and light tanks.
Tanks were not a very suitable weapon as the land is very heavy. Very few and most light were used during the conflict.
Tito army by 1943 late was over 450000 strong and made of many former Yugoslavian former soldiers.
Soviet supplied them with over 1 million hand weapons, over 2000 mortars and 3000 heavy machine gun plus many more.
In the end the German army lack sufficient good trained forces to combat and cut or eliminate them; most operation ended in failure not because of AXIS defeat but because TITO and other scape ,often at risk and loosing most of the men in the battles or combats.
About the German division used such as 113 ,it was under power to less than 10 000 when was used as it come from Easter front over wasted used .It was plagued with new conscript not adapt to battle and was not to full strength till 1944 according to HERR time account reported by German staff.
The 342 was a understrength occupation division but of a bad reputation as “murder division”-it was used in France in anti partisan 1940/42 cleansing and were notable for being use as such in brutal repression against civilian-it was the one direct involved with Gestapo and police operation as well against Jews .Even some high command German officer complain of such atrocities.
It was not till 1944 that German start using more best trained forces, but is was a littler too late by them as war was in them lost side by them
Ironical most or none of these Soviet -allied weapon are represented in the figures. Wonder why!?
Thanks x pictures and close up.I appreciate it.
The figures and facial expression are great, weapons not so good , the MG 42 is way too short,the rifles do not show much detail in them either.
overall and awesome new set poses and never done figures.
The Chetnik are not royalist, they only associated to the king by name and for political alliance from 1924-1928 period only when they dissolved and emerged as before and always ( a self para militarist force that spread action against Bulgar, Macedonian,Muslim and others often using mass terror/massacre cleansing tactic, they fought against AXIS several time(1941-1944) and semi collaborated with AXIS too in another period same time allied with Tito and the fought against as well. They are self independent movement pro-nationalist made generally of ethnic Serbs(Serbian) with not ideology alienated to any king, or royalist party what so ever.

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