new WW2 Jeep book... (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Apr 30, 2005
Recently released is Concord Publications' item #7058, "The US Army Jeep at War" by Steven Zaloga. Here is an excellent photo essay on the workhorse of the US Army in WW2. Zaloga is a well-known military writer and modeler. Here he looks at the famous 1/4 ton truck, mostly in US Army service although there are a few French vehicles also. The book opens with a few pages on the development of the jeep then comes the photos. Well printed photos of the jeep in action with US forces starting in North Africa, through Italy and then into France and Germany. At the end area few pages of photos of jeeps in the Pacific area. Vehicle collectors, modelers and history buffs will enjoy this look at the standard jeeps in service. There are great scenes for diorama builders and some might inspire some of our manufacturers for new projects, like the armored jeeps used by the 82nd Airborne Division.

I obtained mine from Sprue Brothers models, an online hobby shop based out of the Kansas City area. No connection to the publisher but the author is a personal acqauintance.

Gary B.

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