News update and competition news (1 Viewer)

Gunn Miniatures

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2009

Our latest batch of war elephants have now sold out, the good news is there is a B version with a different blanket design available soon. Unfortunately we were not sent a sample of the B version by our factory for photos, but will publish them as soon as it arrives. Don't miss out out on this version as we will not be making another for a while.

war elephant 1.jpg

Sponsored Charity Run

A big thank you to all who sponsored our co-founder Blake Reade in the ASICS 10k run through London on 10th July. Blake managed to complete the course in a very respectable 46 minutes, not bad for an old timer!

Best wishes The Gunn Team.
cover image July X.jpg

Dear all, we are pleased to announce that the answers for the last competition were:

1. The Mosquito was mainly made of wood
2. Geoffrey de Havilland was the accredited designer.
3. The P.211 was designed by Richard Vogt
4. The P.211 lost out to Heinkel's He.162 Salamander

The winner of the Mosquito and P.211 are as follows:

1. Michael Williams

2. Rob Baker

For those of you who participated we thank you and will have another competition very soon, keep entering as you never know your luck!

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