News Update May 23rd, 2022 - Ancient Rome (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Feb 2, 2011

As Romans were never considered exceptionally good horsemen, and the role of the cavalry not as important in the Roman thought process, the Equitatus was generally made up of non-Roman horsemen. While they would play an important part of Legionary tactics, the Roman Cavalry was considered secondary and would remain the weakest part of the Roman Army until the very late Imperial period.
Generally, the cavalry was used as light skirmishing troops, and mounted archers whose job was to patrol, act as scouts and messengers and to provide a mobile defensive screen while the legion was massing in battle array. As in all armies throughout history, the mounted trooper was also very effective in chasing down and harassing a fleeing and panicked enemy force.

As part of the military reforms of Augustus around AD 14, the Auxilia were re-organized. They would be trained to the same standards of discipline as the legions. They were mainly drawn from a wide range of warlike peoples throughout the provinces, and would receive Roman citizenship on completion of their 25 year sevice. Senior officers in contrast were Roman citizens.
The Auxilia filled the tasks of patrolling, containing raids, tax collecting, and the multitude of duties of the frontier troops.
They were especially suited to garrison and local policing activities, and could also hold their own in small scale warfare.


Roman Auxilia cavalry were usually heavily armored in mail and armed with a short lance, javelins, the Spatha long sword, and sometimes bows for specialist Horse archer units. These men primarily served as Medium missile cavalry for flanking, scouting, skirmish, and pursuit.


Cavalry units were known as Alae, and were made up of 16 Turmae.
A Turmae consisted of 30 troopers, and was commanded by a Decurio, and a second in command called the Duplicarius.


Cavalrymen carried Clipeus, a flat oval or hexagonal shield. These were extremely light, constructed of double or triple thickness plywood, made up of thin strips of birch.

These six new Roman auxiliary cavalry figures can be added to the previously released ROMCAV sets.
All the ROMCAV sets will be restocked later this year, along with the new cavalry sets.

Best wishes and many thanks,
john jenkins
These future release Roman Cavalry look great and hopefully I'll be add a few to my collection ! :salute::

Hopefully there will be different coloured shields and different coloured horses to allow multiples in a charging scene. Will we also get some fleeing Rome's enemies to go with them?
Have the first in this series, so will have to take a close look when the new batch are ready. Robin.
I have a squad of 8 with green shields and love them. Will definately get a few more to make a good troop of cavalry.
I really wish John or FL would do Batavian cavalry. The only changes would be bearded faces and more canonical helmets. Could even have some with longer and More colorful trousers.
I would be into some Batavians, they sound great. But they are Imperial Roman??? All of the figures are earlier Republican
There were a few Gaul mounted released recently, but there has been a move away from Rome's Enemies, would like a few more Germanic of Britains.
I believe the Boudicca Chariot should now be released in December.
With all the problems going on over there in that part of the World, many being Covid related and including getting other lines also released has at present slowed things down.
Presumably the Mounted Romans have similar release schedule.
Least I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping !
These future release Roman Cavalry look great and hopefully I'll be add a few to my collection ! :salute::


You have a superb Roman collection.
Why not?{sm4}
I can see you thinking of a cool display...


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