Nobetter place to die (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Mar 8, 2011
NO BETTER PLACE TO DIE---Tom Hanks is the star/executive producer of this D-Day movie based on the true story of 82nd Airborne Division paratroopers defending the key La Fiere bridge which was portrayed in SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. Dale Dye, the military adviser on SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, is the writer/director.

Dale Dye is writing and directing it, he's trying to raise 200K of the 25 million dollar budget through crowd sourcing or whatever means he's using.

Not sure about this one, it has a June 2019 release date.

We'll see.
Heard about this almost a year ago. I know Hanks is involved. Glad to hear it is still alive and going forward. -- Al
I hope it gets made. I read the book,it's a great story. I met Mr. Dye at the TEXAS SHOW a few years back. He was big on gerring this movie made.
I believe now that Tom Hanks is involved there's a good bet that this will come to fruition. Hopefully anyway!
I read somewhere the budget for this movie is twenty million.

SPR was made twenty years ago (man does time fly) with a budget of seventy million; to do that same movie today would cost over one hundred million.

I wish Dye all the luck in the world, but twenty million will not buy him very much.
I read somewhere the budget for this movie is twenty million.

SPR was made twenty years ago (man does time fly) with a budget of seventy million; to do that same movie today would cost over one hundred million.

I wish Dye all the luck in the world, but twenty million will not buy him very much.
That is an exceedingly small budget. Special effects might suffer. -- Al

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