Normandy Dio Help (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Nov 1, 2010
Okay, so I am starting to work on my first Dio. It will be a WWII era setting in Normandy France.

However, here is the problem I am running into.

I dont want to make a fictional setting. I would rather re-create a real scene, or at least, a real town. (I am going for as historically accurate as possible).

In order to do so, I need to find some photos of a specific town that are sufficient to use for recreation purposes. In other words, one photo won't work. I will probably need several photos from one place in order to get several angles of what the area/town looked like.

I know that is a tall-order and big request but I am sure there has got to be something out there (either online, or in a book) that could help me in this area.

Does anyone know where I could find such a thing? I am guessing there are groups/websites that are dedicated to WWII Dioramas that would be helpful but I dont know of any.

It would also be great if some of the photos had detailed info on what color the buildings were or what material they were made of. Most WWII photos I see are in Black and White, and while I can guess that many of the buildings were gray, etc. I would like to know for sure.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!!
Okay, so I am starting to work on my first Dio. It will be a WWII era setting in Normandy France.

However, here is the problem I am running into.

I dont want to make a fictional setting. I would rather re-create a real scene, or at least, a real town. (I am going for as historically accurate as possible).

In order to do so, I need to find some photos of a specific town that are sufficient to use for recreation purposes. In other words, one photo won't work. I will probably need several photos from one place in order to get several angles of what the area/town looked like.

I know that is a tall-order and big request but I am sure there has got to be something out there (either online, or in a book) that could help me in this area.

Does anyone know where I could find such a thing? I am guessing there are groups/websites that are dedicated to WWII Dioramas that would be helpful but I dont know of any.

It would also be great if some of the photos had detailed info on what color the buildings were or what material they were made of. Most WWII photos I see are in Black and White, and while I can guess that many of the buildings were gray, etc. I would like to know for sure.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!!
I would recommend After The Battle books as there full of photos
Google Earth can also be useful, particularly in conjunction with historical photographs and maps. In many cases the layout of a town or city will remain much the same as it did during the war.

In very select cases you can actually go back in time to view aerial photographs taken during this period (i.e. Berlin).
The After The Battle book on Villers-Bocage has many detailed photos of the village from ground level and some aerial views. There are also some good maps on the lay out of the village. All the pictures are BW. -- Al
You could re-create the village alleyway of Rots, France. There's a number of photographs of the 12th SS there in the days following the D-Day invasion.

It's my plan but you're more than welcome to use it.
I was going to suggest that after you had chosen a place - why not visit and have a look at the site now. Many places in France were re-built or restored to very much as they were before - and have remained that way. THEN I had a look at where you are from - Texas - Doh!

Seriously though, regardless of what many seem to think, France is a very nice place, on the whole - and people there would be tickled pink, to think that you were doing a Diorama of what happened during the war - and many would be only too pleased to tell you little anecdotes of their (or their families') experiences - or even show you "bullet holes" , photos etcetera.

Best of luck with the project/

You might try the author Georges Bernage. He has a large release of illustrated books related to the battle of Normandy and beyond. I have several of his books, though they are in French, the photos are outstanding and lend to lots of Dio ideas. Many photos are of soldiers, tanks, landscapes and buildings etc. Many not published before. You can't go wrong with these books.
I use them myself for diorama scenes and ideas.
Thanks to all! Very good book suggestions and I plan on checking them all out!


I have actually been to France. I spent about two months there about eleven years ago. I went to Paris (2 weeks) then caught a train to Southern France (Toulouse) where I rented a car and drove East to Italy (driving through towns such as Carcassonne, Rennes-le-Château, Cannes, Nice, and many other places as well).

I even made a quick stop in Monaco!

However, I was with my father at the time, and even though the trip was for purely historical research purposes, it was all "his" research. So, it was fascinating, but not really focused on anything to do with WWII. I plan on going back some day and doing the same thing again, only this time I want to hit-up as many WWII spots as I can.

Thanks again!!
I can recommend Normandy/Brittany border towns - many look as if they are still in 1940's - still. Look at Avranches - they have Patton's Tank - still on a roundabout!!
(not sure authentic - but that's what the sign said last time I was there). Also don't miss the Church at St. Mere d'Eglise - with the paratrooper (dummy) still hanging around!

Do go - you won't regret it - even if it's just for the long and pleasant lunch - hours (or two)! And please don't listen to all of those French bashers - half of them talk tripe! - they're lovely people - they make wine - so nobody can be that BAD!!!

I loved Carcassone too - but Normandy is better! - johnnybach

Best of luck with the project too!

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