Normandy puma sold out! (1 Viewer)

Gunn Miniatures

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2009
All gone from Gunn HQ in just over 3 weeks of being released - thank you to everybody who bought from us and supported us in this crazy little venture!

We have had 1 dealer come back with a note about some bumpers popping out, theres bound to be more to follow but the majority of people seem to have received theirs in a good condition. Some simple glue application should fix this issue and we do hope you enjoy the product.

As a postscript we are down to single figures of the winter Puma so if any dealers have not ordered theirs yet, please do so soon!

Kind Regards

Vicki Lucas
No wonder it sold out so quickly, it's a terrific vehicle
All gone from Gunn HQ in just over 3 weeks of being released - thank you to everybody who bought from us and supported us in this crazy little venture!

kind Regards

Vicki Lucas

Not suprising that this little beauty sold out so fast .....Great model and top quality for a fair price. I love mine and the fact that i was lucky enough to be able to buy the only one at the recent London show tickles me pink...!!! Can"t wait to see future developments from TG...Oh and i really enjoyed our recent telephone discussion Blake..Now that is what i call real customer service!!!!.


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