Note from Andy (1 Viewer)

King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Me again! A few points and answers to recent posts on the Forum:

1) Limited Edition Painting of Sculpting Quality

Sorry to disappoint anyone but the painting and sculpting is exactly the same high standard as our normal productions.

What makes them “Strictly Limited” is the smaller production runs and the original paint / camouflage / uniform scheme utilized.

2) “DORA” Giant Gun

Equals “DORA” Giant Model and is neither commercially viable or technically feasible with the materials we currently use – polystone and white metal / pewter.

Can you imagine the shipping costs? They would be more expensive than the model!

C’mon guys let’s be practical here.

3) FALLSCHIRMJAGERS – As my friend Brad said NO PLANS and NO INTENTIONS for this year … or next … or even 2007.

4) Whilst I appreciate Mr. Gambale’s never ending stream of “wants and desires” I have attempted (on several occasions) to explain to him the reality of running a successful business that has to meet the demands and requirements of a wide and disparate range of collectors all over the world.

At the same time I am not exactly bereft of ideas for new products myself and neither are the rest of our creative team here in HK and China.

Believe me I do welcome collector’s suggestions and ideas (we’ve produced several of them) but spare me the entire “shopping list”.

Best wishes to one and all.

Andy C. Neilson

I know you were going to say that about Mr. Gambale's ideas. Of course, my name doesn't have Neilson at the end of it so much for listening to me :D but I'm sure it won't stop the conga line of suggestions.
Hello Andy.It seems most dealers have plenty of left over gun crews from the 88.Is there another artillary piece in the works that might help take care of these gunless guys???They would really like to take part in the battle.Once again,just curious.
I am one of those gunless guys also :( I have the troops and halftrack, but alas no gun for them to man. I guess I waited too long to purchase one when they became retired. Any large gun would be nice for them.
Go buy the 88mm gun from 21st Century. The KC figures look great with it. The 88mm runs like $25. You might have to do a little repaint but you will be able to use the figures.
I agree with Warbuff as far as a cheap replacement for the 88.Flammenpanzer if you can't find a 21st Century 88 and want one let me know.I saw 2 last week at a Wal-Mart near me.I think they run around $16.00.
Warbuff glad to hear from you again.You must be busy working on some great diorama pieces for OTSN.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there another large German towed artillary piece that was usually seen behind a Prime Mover with huge wheels on it?The caliber of gun escapes me though. :confused:
I've seen that gun and no offense, it's apples and oranges. I know the 88 is a little expensive now but I think it's worth it plus I think in the near future Andy will be bringing out another one. I don't have any inside info, just my feeling.
The 21st is an excellent piece, but I think it is a bit under scale for K&C figures.
Whoa whoa whoa people. I am not in any way saying you should buy the 21st Century 88 over the K&C. Are you people flipping insane!! All I was pointing out is the fact that if there are some poor souls out there that have the crews but no gun since it is retired and people want like $200 bucks for it on e-bay already that you could get by with the 21st century 88 if you wanted to display the crew. The size question.....I beg to differ. It may be a slight off but it looks great. Reference Winter 88mm Thread and see a pic of a KC Crew with a 21st Century 88mm. :)
Warbuff26 said:
Whoa whoa whoa people. I am not in any way saying you should buy the 21st Century 88 over the K&C. Are you people flipping insane!! All I was pointing out is the fact that if there are some poor souls out there that have the crews but no gun since it is retired and people want like $200 bucks for it on e-bay already that you could get by with the 21st century 88 if you wanted to display the crew. The size question.....I beg to differ. It may be a slight off but it looks great. Reference Winter 88mm Thread and see a pic of a KC Crew with a 21st Century 88mm. :)

Of course, I'm flippin' insane. Do you know how much money I've spent on K & C. Of course, I'm out of my bloody bird :eek: :eek:
If anybody is interested, I'm selling WS55, WS56 and WS57 (I do not sell only the 88mm gun) for 325 USD + shipping costs from Canada.

Also, I have LAH 21 to sell (black mercedes staff car with Mussolini + car driver + bodyguard).
Once again I side with Warbuff.I was not implying that the 21st Century 88 was a better piece,but an economical replacement if you can't afford the K&C 88.Guys with painting talent like Warbuff and Alex can make alot of these pieces look better with some paint strokes and weathering.I think the 21st line would make good destroyed or battle damaged vehicles that are fairly cheap to modify and would fit in the back of diorama displays. Now before all you 21st and FOV people jump all over me I think for the price these are good lines and I have many of the original 21st Century stuff still on hand.Since I found the K&C line I decided I had to stop collecting everything and settled with K&C. Some day soon my 21st Century stuff will go on the "for sale block" to help with the future purchases of K&C.

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