November 2020 Soldiers (1 Viewer)

Gunn Miniatures

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2009
ACC PACK 072 German Weapons & Accessories Set

Its been a while since we released some German weapons as accessories, the last ones sold out very quickly so we have made a super new set which comprises 17 pieces.
These include grenades, metal grenade case, leather football, wooden crate, gas mask canister, ammo box, land mine, radio (2 pieces) snipers rifle x 2, FG 42 x 2 and 2 x MP 40 machine gun.

Priced at $49/£45 and limited to 150 sets worldwide.


That's all this month folks, I hope you enjoyed the pictures and please feel free to contact us if you wish to touch base or buy any of our products. Our website is where there are more photos to view, all these products are available for immediate dispatch.

The next figure release will be January and this will include the winter panzer 4 top up order, more Romans, Barbarian Germans and some great looking accessory pieces. There will be one last airplane release this year followed by an end of year round up and what you can look forward to in 2021.

The best email for contact is and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best wishes The Gunn Team
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ACC PACK 068 German Fuel Barrels

This set includes 4 fuel barrels and is available in three variants as follows:

A version late war barrels in Dunkelgelb yellow with 100 sets available at present.

B version in Desert sand colour scheme, only 40 sets available this release

C version in early war grey colour scheme with 100 sets available.

There is a distinct difference between the A and B variant yellows, its not so obvious from the photos but when you see them in the flesh it will be more apparent.

If demand exceeds supply we will make some more next year, if it does not then this is it I am afraid.
Priced at $35/£32 per 4 barrel set.

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We had some fun here at TG and placed two artillery pieces together with associated crews from this and past releases, along with some of the accessories from the new weapons set and altogether they make for a great all action diorama.

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SS106 Infantry Soldier with Ammo Crate

A useful addition to your battlefield diorama this time comprising a prone SS soldier readying himself to move forward to resupply his comrades.
This is a generic item and can also be utilized with our PAK 36 cannon and other artillery pieces as you see fit.
Priced at $50/£45 and limited to 100 in number.

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Comprises the above Infantry Cannon and new loading crew member with additional SS crew as follows: SS106 plus SS088 & SS089 to make a 4 man artillery team. See pictures below for full details. Priced at $220/£195 which saves you $30 off the cost of the individual items. Limited numbers of this item available please note.

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For those of you who do not require the crew figure we are pleased to offer the cannon on its own, still supplied with ammunition box and shells and limited to 50 in number worldwide.
Priced at $75/£65 whilst stocks last.

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Moving onto WW2 we have available as follows;

ACC PACK 059A; German light infantry 7.5cm cannon with crew figure.
The Leichtes Infanteriegeshutz 18 was one of the standard infantry cannons of the German army during WW2 which along with the Pak 36 saw continuous service from the beginning to the final days of the conflict. Although superseded by more powerful artillery pieces as the war progressed, the easy handling and maneuverability of this versatile artillery piece, ensured it stayed in service for the duration of the war with infantry units who appreciated its rugged construction and reliability.

There are photographs of this very cannon being towed by an SdKfz 251 in the attempted breakout from Berlin in May 1945, unfortunately the occupants of the Sdkfz 251 were caught by artillery fire at the junction of Friedrichstrasse & Karlstrasse and all perished at the same time. It does not get much more late war service than that!

Development of the cannon began in 1927 and initially came with wooden spoked wheels to facilitate being drawn by horses. However with the development of the motorized German army division, pneumatic tyres were added to later versions. There were light weight versions for the mountain and airborne troops which could be broken down into smaller loads.

Our much improved newly tooled variant comes with SS soldier kneeling to reload the cannon, spare ammo case, spent cannon shells and unused shells ready for action.

Limited to 100 in number and priced at $110/£95 and available now.

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Dear All

Welcome to our November/December 2020 newsletter with some great new additions which I hope will not disappoint. Due to Covid 19 we were delayed receiving October's shipment and are unlikely to receive any items in time for a December release, we have therefore amalgamated November and December release into this newsletter.

Some of the larger items ready now are being sent by sea and will be available early January, these include the winter Brummbar amongst others. Air freight at the moment out of Hong Kong is subject to lengthy delays and extremely expensive, you pay a premium price for a sub standard service, hence the move to sea freight. However we still strive to offer high quality items at a reasonable price and our enthusiasm remains undaunted despite the challenges thrown at us this year.

Also we have now moved office and warehouse and have had to change the office telephone number, which is 01985 218112 if you are calling from within the UK. If calling from outside the UK, then remove the '0' from the 01985 and prefix this with 0044 which is the UK international dialing code.

The Romans at Teutoburg

The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, described as the Varian Disaster by Roman historians, took place in the Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD, when an alliance of Germanic tribes ambushed and destroyed three Roman legions, their auxiliaries and accompanying civilian entourage led by Publius Quinctilius Varus.

The German alliance was led by Arminius, a Germanic officer of Varus's auxilia. Arminius had acquired Roman citizenship and had received a Roman military education, which enabled him to deceive the Roman commander methodically and anticipate the Roman army's tactical responses.
The battle happened in a heavily wooded valley near Osnabrück in Lower Saxony.

The battle was a initially a series of skirmishes with the Roman column being attacked ambush style. As the Romans were harassed along a 15 mile corridor through the forest they were continually depleted in minor actions, more German reinforcements arrived to create an overwhelming superiority in numbers. They were then able to surround and cut the Romans off so that escape for the majority would be impossible.
The resulting bloodbath lasted three days with up to 20,000 people being killed. When Varus could see that escape was impossible he and some of his senior commanders committed suicide, which I cannot but help think, was not very helpful to the more junior officers and soldiers left to fight on! His body was hurriedly burned and buried, only to be dug up later by the victorious Germans. The head was cut off and sent to another German chieftain Maroboduus in the hope of recruiting him into the rebellion. Maroboduss must have been delighted to receive such a gift, so much so he had it forwarded by special delivery to Rome, where they could decide what to do with the burnt head, talk about sitting on the fence!

The remaining Romans for some reason, perhaps seeing escape impossible unconditionally surrendered. This is where the real tragedy occurred, most of the surviving men, women and children from the column were tortured and executed by either being buried alive, crucified or dispatched by more traditional methods, such as being cooked in pots for religious offerings.

As it was the Roman custom to execute prisoners when victorious the Germans saw no reason why they, who had suffered so much at the hands of the Romans, should be lenient or behave in any way different. Any Romans not executed were sold into slavery although there cannot have been that many judging from the slaughter on the battlefield. There are reports in AD 50 from the Roman historian Tacitus, that after a battle with a German tribe called the Chatti, Roman forces found a number of Roman prisoners in the Chatti camp, some of them were from Varus' column and had been held prisoner for 40 years. The relief and joy for the Romans must have been heart stopping to say the least.

The battle is also famous for the outburst of the Emperor Augustus when he received the bad news of its outcome: ‘Quinctilius Varus, give me back my legions!’ The event left deep marks on the minds of the Romans. Around a third of the western Roman army was wiped out, and the three affected legions (the 17th, 18th and 19th) were never reformed. After the defeat the Romans abandoned their invasion of Germania. Subsequently up to 16 AD, they only carried out minor punitive expeditions against the Germani. These punitive expeditions, however led to losses for the Romans. They therefore changed their policy towards the Germani, choosing political and diplomatic methods instead of trying to subjugate them through military methods.

This month a small release for the Romans but oh boy what a great looking piece in the shape of a legionnaire with a war dog!

ROM119 Legionnaire with War Dog

An all action set with a Legionnaire preparing to go into battle with mans best friend at his side. I have to say its one of the nicest pieces we have made for the Romans and a must have for any collector of this series.

Priced at $65/£58 per set.
and limited to 100 pieces worldwide of the A version (red shield) with 50 of the 9th (black shield) and 50 of the 19th (green shield) Legion available.

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Will be ordering the dog and the Legionnaire, B and C versions, look excellent. That looks like the sort of dog my friend had, one day it was eating its own poo, I asked why? He said the dog had just eaten a politician and was trying to get the taste out of its mouth.

Plus the all new mould, not repaint, cannon and both figures. Nice to see the picture of the cannon in Berlin, but will work for me in a Western European Normandy setting, but is a versatile release and has many theatres, battles and urban and rural where it can be used.
No Zulus or Boer war figures until next year. Shame. That means I’ll have to spend money on Christmas presents for the family now. :)
I must say I don’t collect WW2 but these are very good. I like how TG has got even better.
I like the picture as well, reminds me of painting Airfix soldiers years ago.
I’m actually really excited to see the German fuel barrels! I’ve got three TGM aircraft in small dioramas that need those barrels... I like the IG-18 7.5cm gun and crew figures as well 😎
Great release, like the ACC sets that have been coming out.

Now if you'd just release some more of the small jungle huts---lol {sm4}

Comprises the above Infantry Cannon and new loading crew member with additional SS crew as follows: SS106 plus SS088 & SS089 to make a 4 man artillery team. See pictures below for full details. Priced at $220/£195 which saves you $30 off the cost of the individual items. Limited numbers of this item available please note.

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It's great that you are producing an appropriate number of gunners to man this gun, it gives the collectors a much more realistic example of a gun in action.

Nice looking gun, realistically posed crew, and wonderfully painted.

Well Done,

Way cool! That's less than $3 bucks per piece!

ACC PACK 072 German Weapons & Accessories Set

Its been a while since we released some German weapons as accessories, the last ones sold out very quickly so we have made a super new set which comprises 17 pieces.
These include grenades, metal grenade case, leather football, wooden crate, gas mask canister, ammo box, land mine, radio (2 pieces) snipers rifle x 2, FG 42 x 2 and 2 x MP 40 machine gun.

Priced at $49/£45 and limited to 150 sets worldwide.


That's all this month folks, I hope you enjoyed the pictures and please feel free to contact us if you wish to touch base or buy any of our products. Our website is where there are more photos to view, all these products are available for immediate dispatch.

The next figure release will be January and this will include the winter panzer 4 top up order, more Romans, Barbarian Germans and some great looking accessory pieces. There will be one last airplane release this year followed by an end of year round up and what you can look forward to in 2021.

The best email for contact is and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best wishes The Gunn Team
Way cool! That's less than $3 bucks per piece!

Great thought, did not think of it like that, 16 pieces of equipment and a ball for playtime, the Germans had a weak football/soccer team, too many want to be on the right wing or playing reich up the front.
as usual I like the paint finish on all the figures a lot. Are the paints used water or oil based?

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