October 2020 Figures (3 Viewers)

Gunn Miniatures

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2009
CLUB059 Guard Grenadier

A single version of our GW105 four man set previously released.
Priced at $45/£40 or free with purchases over $335/£235.





That's all this month folks, I hope you enjoyed the pictures and please feel free to contact us if you wish to touch base or buy any of our products. Our website has more photos available there for you to peruse.

For those of you wondering the Brummbar should be here by late October possibly November depending on our factory along with the missing winter Panzer IV's released last month.
Best wishes The Gunn Team
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ACC PACK 065 Road Signs

Comprises three different German road signs suitable for France 1944, as you can see when compared next to one of our figures, these are large roadside signs designed to be viewed from a distance whilst driving a vehicle.
Priced at $55/£45 per set of 3 signs and limited to 100 sets worldwide.




ANNOFF016 German Road signs with German Officers

Our second anniversary offer for this month comprises ACC PACK 065 our 3 new German road signs and two German officers SS075A Heinz Hamel and SS075B Fritz Kraemer.
This makes a total of 5 pieces for those of you doing the math.
This offer is available at a special price of $100/£89.75 inc VAT whilst stocks last.

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ACC PACK 052B Tent & Crate Set (No decals)

A useful addition to your battlefield diorama this time comprising tarpaulin covered boxes and tent supplies with poles. This is the B version with no decals applied.
Priced at $65 and £60.




ACC PACK 053B Fuel Barrels With Tarpaulin Cover Set (No decals)

This pack includes 6 fuel barrels draped under a tarpaulin plus some useful boxes and stores. This is the B version with no decals.
Priced at $65/£60 with limited edition of 100 sets worldwide.




ACC PACK 054B Tarpaulin Covered Crate (No decals)

A large tarpaulin covered crate plus various accessories to pad out your diorama. This crate is a totally different size to the previous offering. This B version comes with no decals.
Priced at $65/£60 and limited to 100 sets worldwide.



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ANNOFF015 Bunker/Bazooka Set

This anniversary offer includes ACC PACK 048 Bunker as well as USA020 USMC Bazooka team and is available for a special price of $170/£149.50 whilst stocks last.



ACC PACK 048 Japanese Bunker

Moving onto WW2 the Japanese were prolific in erecting defence structures across their conquered territory during the 1940's. A variety of materials were used including wood, metal and concrete. A number can still be seen today dotted across the Pacific.

This striking green bunker measures approx 20cm (8in) length and 10cm (4in) height and is suitable as a command or artillery bunker due to its large size. The artillery barrel can be removed giving you scope to have the bunker used in a variety of formats.







A Boer Commando aims his Broomhandle Mauser at the British.
Priced at $55/£45 inc VAT.




VW009 Boer Rifleman Reloading

Moving on 20 years or so we have the British engaged against the Boers in South Africa and this month we have two all new action Boers.

VW009: Boer rifleman reloading his rifle whilst doing his best to avoid enemy fire by taking cover behind a barrel.

Priced at $55/£45 with limited edition of 100 available.




SFA035 The Zulu War

Moving onto South Africa we have a new redcoat consisting of a British soldier in the kneeling repel position.
This highly detailed and superbly painted figure comes in three different versions;

A version Private soldier
B version Lance Corporal
C version Corporal.

A big thank you to Chris Jones who has been giving us active advice and support during this series, we could not have done it without you Chris!
You will be able to complete a British square with this and forthcoming figures, which includes standing, kneeling, reloading and dead riflemen, some of which are featured below in a recent picture from our factory.

This Tommy is priced at $45/£40 inc VAT whilst stocks last.










ROM120 Legionnaire crouching behind shield

A Roman legionnaire crouched behind his shield prepares to launch his Pilum at the enemy.

A version comes with red shield.
B version comes with black shield.
C version comes with green shield.

Priced at $49/£42.50 with 60 of each variant available.











ROM117 Legionnaire Applying Coup de Grace

Comprises a Roman with one foot on a Barbarians back as he is about to finish him off with a thrust from his Pilum.

A version comes with Imperial red shield.
B version comes with 9th black shield.
C version comes with 19th green shield.

Priced at $95/£87 with 60 of each variant available.










ROM116 Injured Legionnaire

A harassed Roman legionnaire applies pressure to a nasty looking arm wound whilst kneeling on top of a dead Barbarian. Comes with loose arrows which can be placed into the base of this two man set. Each version is represented by a different shield for each Legion, the shield can be placed next to the figures or on the rear of the Roman as if he has slung it onto his back.

A version comes with Imperial red shield.
B version comes with 9th black shield.
C version comes with 19th green shield.

Priced at $95/£87 inc VAT for the pair of figures with 60 of each variant available.











The Romans

The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, described as the Varian Disaster by Roman historians, took place in the Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD, when an alliance of Germanic tribes ambushed and destroyed three Roman legions, their auxiliaries and accompanying civilian entourage led by Publius Quinctilius Varus.

The German alliance was led by Arminius, a Germanic officer of Varus's auxilia. Arminius had acquired Roman citizenship and had received a Roman military education, which enabled him to deceive the Roman commander methodically and anticipate the Roman army's tactical responses.

The battle happened in a heavily wooded valley near Osnabrück in Lower Saxony.

The battle was a initially a series of skirmishes with the Roman column being attacked ambush style. As the Romans were harassed along a 15 mile corridor through the forest they were continually depleted in minor actions, more German reinforcements arrived to create an overwhelming superiority in numbers. They were then able to surround and cut the Romans off so that escape for the majority would be impossible.
The resulting bloodbath lasted three days with up to 20,000 people being killed. When Varus could see that escape was impossible he and some of his senior commanders committed suicide, which I cannot but help think, was not very helpful to the more junior officers and soldiers left to fight on! His body was hurriedly burned and buried, only to be dug up later by the victorious Germans. The head was cut off and sent to another German chieftain Maroboduus in the hope of recruiting him into the rebellion. Maroboduss must have been delighted to receive such a gift, so much so he had it forwarded by special delivery to Rome, where they could decide what to do with the burnt head, talk about sitting on the fence!

The remaining Romans for some reason, perhaps seeing escape impossible unconditionally surrendered. This is where the real tragedy occurred, most of the surviving men, women and children from the column were tortured and executed by either being buried alive, crucified or dispatched by more traditional methods, such as being cooked in pots for religious offerings.

As it was the Roman custom to execute prisoners when victorious the Germans saw no reason why they, who had suffered so much at the hands of the Romans, should be lenient or behave in any way different. Any Romans not executed were sold into slavery although there cannot have been that many judging from the slaughter on the battlefield. There are reports in AD 50 from the Roman historian Tacitus, that after a battle with a German tribe called the Chatti, Roman forces found a number of Roman prisoners in the Chatti camp, some of them were from Varus' column and had been held prisoner for 40 years. The relief and joy for the Romans must have been heart stopping to say the least.

The battle is also famous for the outburst of the Emperor Augustus when he received the bad news of its outcome: ‘Quinctilius Varus, give me back my legions!’ The event left deep marks on the minds of the Romans. Around a third of the western Roman army was wiped out, and the three affected legions (the 17th, 18th and 19th) were never reformed. After the defeat the Romans abandoned their invasion of Germania. Subsequently up to 16 AD, they only carried out minor punitive expeditions against the Germani. These punitive expeditions, however led to losses for the Romans. They therefore changed their policy towards the Germani, choosing political and diplomatic methods instead of trying to subjugate them through military methods.

So what's coming from Thomas Gunn for this series? So far we have commissioned around 16 new sculpts for the series, including ox wagons, Roman and German cavalry and also some great looking dual combat dio pieces, two of which make an appearance this month. There will also be Roman civilians and some super looking Barbarians to compliment the series later on. We have added a new legion to our series namely the 19th (green shield design) who were with Varus but at the same time have maintained the ever so popular and iconic Imperial 'red' shield design along with the 9th (black shield) Legion. However to start off the series we have a magnificent looking German warrior, please read below for details.

ROMEN016 German Barbarian Launching Spear

A German Barbarian stands ready to launch his spear at the enemy. A beautifully painted and detailed figure to grace your diorama setting.

Priced at $55 and £45 and limited to 100 pieces worldwide.





Dear All

Welcome to our October 2020 newsletter with some great new additions which I hope will not disappoint. This month sees some great additions to the Roman, Zulu and Boer War series as well as the B version of the last months accessory packs. Please note that due to public holidays in China, these new offerings will be available in around 10 days time.
However feel free to pre-order now by sending us an email

Also we have now moved office and warehouse and changed the office telephone number, which is 01985 218112 if you are calling from within the UK.
The Japanese bunker is a must and maybe some supplies. Hanging out for the Roman Ox wagon and Brummbar, hopefully in time for Christmas. Robin.
To the road signs, what means "Hofenarzt"?



The sign appears in a picture in Saint Malo, 1944, there are a number of American soldiers from the 83rd Infantry Division looking at the sign, See below, It has also appeared in a few 1/35 plastic model kits, Miniart being one. From my very poor German i thought it said Doctors Courtyard area! But literal translations are not always great, there are two red crosses on the sign as well, i would assume it is for something like a field hospital.
Now I have understood it, on the sign is "Hafenarzt" and means port doctor not "Hofenarzt" with an "a" not with an "o".

Hofenarzt makes no sense.

Thank you for the clarification.


ACC PACK 048 Japanese Bunker

You had me at "Moving onto WW2..."

Must admit that I would have loved to see one of the sides detachable or removed for access but still love it. I like the color and really look forward to seeing it among my collection.
Thank you for producing. I certainly plan to purchase. A most unique piece!
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The 2 piece Roman / celt hand to hand on single base are fab, a must have, nothing beats a 2 figure combat pose on a single base, look
froward to the others I have seen as prototype I assume their for November releases

great workd

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