On-Line Uniform Sources!!! (1 Viewer)


Jan 26, 2008
If found three on-line sources for uniform pictures that might be useful to others.

Uniform pictures from the NYPL Digital Gallery

The Vinkhuijzen collection of military uniforms /


If you can work your way around the French language, this one has tons of photos of Paris and military subjects for WW II. I like the Franco-Prussian War and Le Commune photos. Many will like the WWII battle of Paris for vehicles.



Another French site is...



go to "collection".....

Could you tell us a bit more as to where to look within the collections of the French sites?

Thanks . . .

At culture.fr, go to this page...


Type in "Guerre," "Uniforme," "Zouave," "Napoleon," whatever, into the field here....

"Texte libre :"

I only know a few French words but I picked up searching pretty quickly. I like 2nd Empire France myself, Napoleopn III, and I found pictures from the Crimea, African campaigns, the Franco-Austrian War, and Franco Prussian War. Napoleon I is there. When you find a picture you like there are links with it to what ever else they have on the subject. Some collections have artifacts and captured flags. Have fun.
I'll share some that I have found over the years.

Here is a French site on the Seven Years War (primarily in Europe, sorry, French-and-Indian guys!), called "Nec Pluribus Impar":


Unfortunately, the editor has scaled back the frequency with which he posts new info, it used to be every other month. But there is an extensive archive, with articles on uniforms, campaigns and battles, from 1701 up through 1756. There are schematics with many of the uniform articles, showing the regimental facing color, and also, flags and standards. Very worth the time to browse.

Here is a German site:


They offer reproductions of many of the various series of uniform plates printed in Germany over the years. Concentration is on German states and their armies, of course, but they also have a section on armies of other countries. I have not ordered anything from them yet, but they are recommended by my colleagues over at Conny Schulte's HZ-Forum.

Speaking of Conny, he has his own online shop, selling flats, and paints and supplies, but also, a series of CDs with uniform and flag information:


I recommend his site, he does have an English version as well.

And speaking of the Germans, I recommend the aforementioned HZ-Forum:


Now, it's focus is German, and it is more of a painters' forum, and most of the guys there paint flats, which is still the traditional favorite among the Germans. But there is also info about uniforms, battles, etc., and the membership is international, just like we are here. And there are a couple of guys who specialize in the American West, and Indians (the Germans have been in love with the Old West, ever since Karl May), and also, Ancient Rome (makes sense, with so many Roman sites remaining, in their own backyards).

Browse at your leisure, hopefully, you'll find things of interest, prosit!
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On-Line Uniform Source...SPAIN

You have to go through a lot of newspaper type illustration and a few maps and portraits but it's worth the ride.... some Napoleonic and a ton o' pictures of the two Carlist civil wars in the 1830s and 1870s. It's an "odd" topic but colorful.


You click on these links and thumbnails come up. You can en-large them. No fee or Watermarks on them. The image below is only a small version of what you can download. It's bigger on the site.


* Acontecimientos históricos
* Historia
* Historia-Guerras
* Historia-Guerras-Batallas
* Historia-Guerras-Guerra carlista I (1833-1840)
* Historia-Guerras-Guerra carlista II (1872-1876)
* Historia-Guerras-Guerra de la convención
* Historia-Guerras-Guerra de la independencia (1808-1814)
* Historia-Guerras-Sexenio revolucionario (1868-1874)
* Historia-Guerras-Trienio liberal (1820-1823)

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