Operation Dumbo Drop - 1995 (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Nov 22, 2009
Couldn't find anything on Netflix and out of some fifty films in my local plexes the only one I wanted to watch I've already seen--twice. So I resorted to my VUDU account.

Make no mistake it is slapstick. A family film of dubious "Based on True Events."
The kids liked it. I always liked Ray Liotta. Got terrible reviews in 1995, Still made $25 Million box office.

"During the Vietnam War, a village that American forces are using to spy on the Ho Chi Minh Trail has its sacred elephant killed by the North Vietnamese Army because they were cooperating with the Americans. The villagers need an elephant for a ceremony that will occur within the week. Captain Sam Cahill, an easygoing man who is heading home, and his hotheaded replacement Captain TC Doyle scrounge up another elephant with the help of sneaky supply chief warrant officer David Poole, luckless farmboy Lawrence Farley, and short-timer Harvey Ashford, and transport it across South Vietnam to get it to the village on time, running into all sorts of transport problems, personality conflicts, and an NVA squad that wants the Americans out of the village."


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