OTSN Question (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
This will be my 19th consecutive year of attending this show and I have a question. In all my years of attending only one dealer, that includes regular full time dealers and people who just set up in their rooms, charged me a sales tax, that was after I agreed to purchase the items. And this happened in several different years.
I will not name the dealer, if you want to know PM me.
The question being does the city of Schaumburg or the state of Illinois make anyone selling at the show pay a tax or was this one dealer just using that premise to put a few extra bucks in his pocket.
I want to emphasize in 18 years it was only this one dealer out of hundreds that did this.
Hi Gary

No expert on the way the US tax's work but i know when i was over there with some of our stuff a few years back we were supposed to get a permit or somthing and were informed of the sales tax to add.............needless to say we didnt!!

Not the expert on that one though!
It will vary from state to state, but here in PA, the vendors are liable to report the sales figures and tax to the Commonwealth's Department of Revenue; the promoters are not. But I think a vendor can declare a total figure and remit a tax based on that, and it's not necessarily visible to the individual buyers.

I do not know that the department has ever gone after anyone for sale taxes at any shows here in PA, since I've been involved with running one. However, about 10 years ago, the New Jersey DoR raided a show, if I'm not mistaken, it was the New Jersey Historical Miniature Society's show, and they went after a number of dealers for not reporting sales. That threw a scare into the vendor community here in the Mid-Atlantic region for some time, but again, there was no indication that Harrisburg had any plans to do so. Some of the forum members who are vendors might be able to fill in more details than I can remember, or correct me where I'm misremembering.

And of course, each municipality may levy its own taxes and fees. The local township where we hold the MFCA show charges an intinerant merchant business license fee, which our vendors must pay, and in the two years that we had relocated to the tax haven Delaware, they implemented an "amusement tax" that the show promoters must pay, based on show attendance.

But we're not worried here in PA--casino gambling will take care of everything, Governor Cheesesteak said so!

It will vary from state to state, but here in PA, the vendors are liable to report the sales figures and tax to the Commonwealth's Department of Revenue; the promoters are not. But I think a vendor can declare a total figure and remit a tax based on that, and it's not necessarily visible to the individual buyers.

I do not know that the department has ever gone after anyone for sale taxes at any shows here in PA, since I've been involved with running one. However, about 10 years ago, the New Jersey DoR raided a show, if I'm not mistaken, it was the New Jersey Historical Miniature Society's show, and they went after a number of dealers for not reporting sales. That threw a scare into the vendor community here in the Mid-Atlantic region for some time, but again, there was no indication that Harrisburg had any plans to do so. Some of the forum members who are vendors might be able to fill in more details than I can remember, or correct me where I'm misremembering.

And of course, each municipality may levy its own taxes and fees. The local township where we hold the MFCA show charges an intinerant merchant business license fee, which our vendors must pay, and in the two years that we had relocated to the tax haven Delaware, they implemented an "amusement tax" that the show promoters must pay, based on show attendance.

But we're not worried here in PA--casino gambling will take care of everything, Governor Cheesesteak said so!


And we complain about our VAT! :eek: Talk about complicated.


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