Pasting From Another Website Issue (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
Why is it when I try to paste something from another website or email, the font size is huge and is in a different font. None of the other forums I belong to have this issue, only this one. The software in the other forums automatically adjusts the font and size, but not here. I’ve tried this on Safari and Chrome and the results are the same.
Why is it when I try to paste something from another website or email, the font size is huge and is in a different font. None of the other forums I belong to have this issue, only this one. The software in the other forums automatically adjusts the font and size, but not here. I’ve tried this on Safari and Chrome and the results are the same.

Hi, Brad, would this work? I run into this same issue occasionally, pasting from one browser/site/application to another. When I find that the formatting doesn't translate correctly, I'll rightclick in the text field and choose "Paste as plain text" from the menu that opens. That pastes just the text, stripped of any native formatting from the original site.

If it doesn't work, I'll paste into Notepad, then copy the text again and then paste it here. That also removes the original formatting, leaving just text.

Hope that helps, prosit!
Sorry I didn’t see your suggestion Brad. I will give it a try. Thanks.

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