Paul stadinger's comment time (1 Viewer)


Feb 9, 2008
If you have any interest in the history of plastic figure collecting, then hop on over to the Custom Conversion Yahoo group and read paul Stadinger's old COMMENT TIME newsletters. By special arrangement with Stad, I am currently reprinting them. The first one is dated July 1988. Come see what you missed i the Golden Age of marx figure collecting.
I used to read Paul's page a lot. Some of the spelling was a crime against the language but there was always something interesting to read. He must really be immersed in his 'human' job, as I don't think he's posted an update for a couple of years.
I used to read Paul's page a lot. Some of the spelling was a crime against the language but there was always something interesting to read. He must really be immersed in his 'human' job, as I don't think he's posted an update for a couple of years.

He still has his own site and still post his own comments and still has problems with his spelling and grammar.
He still has his own site and still post his own comments and still has problems with his spelling and grammar.

Stad's comments have always been most welcome and informative. He loves the hobby , knows his stuff better than just about anybody and seems to be objective and always above the mud-slinging.
Yes, he still has his Comment Time active.
Maybe his spelling isn't perfect but at least he is doing positive things for the hobby and fellow collectors and freely shares his knowledge.
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In addition to his interesting comment time blog, Mr. Stadinger always had an amzing assortment of unusual plastic figures for sale from all over the world .
Does he still send out listings or catalogs of soldiers for sale? :smile2::smile2:. If he does I highly recommend as these were a treat to see. All manner of plastic which I'd never seen anywhere else.
I used to read Paul's page a lot. Some of the spelling was a crime against the language but there was always something interesting to read. He must really be immersed in his 'human' job, as I don't think he's posted an update for a couple of years.

First: he has a new website:
Secondly: Who you are to judge its spelling? (Who's care?)
Thirdly:He's one of the best specialist on plastic figures.
Fourthly: He's a member of my forum: as Scott (happy birthday Scott!!!)
Fifthly: He's a friend of mine.
and sixthly, my spelling and my grammar are bad coz I'm French, that's no excuse but once again, who's care? We're talking about toy soldiers or John Steinbeck complete works?
Yes, yes. This has been 'discussed' already and about 10 posts had to be deleted by the moderator. Sometimes even correct English doesn't convey a writers intentions sufficiently. It was comment, not criticism. I wrote it with a smile. Thank-you for the link to his new site. I've enjoyed catching up on his news!
I enjoy his comment time, and I especially enjoy going through his e-bay auctions as he has many hard to find items that you pick up with out breaking the bank. I have been able to find items that I had as a child, that I have never seen elsewhere at shows. He seems to specialize in Eurpopean or over seas plastic figures as he has many on his e-bay list, many that I woud never had the pleasure to see otherwise. Spelling and grammar don't even make the top ten, I have no trouble reading what he writes.
Stad's comments have always been most welcome and informative. He loves the hobby , knows his stuff better than just about anybody and seems to be objective and always above the mud-slinging.
Yes, he still has his Comment Time active.
Maybe his spelling isn't perfect but at least he is doing positive things for the hobby and fellow collectors and freely shares his knowledge.

I hear many think he is pompous and I think that Kent of Toy Soldier Hqts is as knowledgeable or even more so. Just my humble opinion.
I hear many think he is pompous and I think that Kent of Toy Soldier Hqts is as knowledgeable or even more so. Just my humble opinion.

I've known Paul since the first Marx meet way, way back when. When I have a question about a figure or set that I am not familiar with, he is my go to guy. I am the one translating (OK "translating" was a joke)
his Comment Times and I am not complaining about his spelling or grammar. It was always about the information. Period.

As for Kent, I do not know him personally, but whenever I have asked him a question or emailed him, he is quick to respond and has always been helpful. And he is also extremely knowledgeable in all things plastic related.

Why can't there be two experts? Is there only one source for stamp collecting, coin collecting or any other hobby? Of course not. No single person can know everything about a subject. There are many, many more plastic figure gurus, most of whom willingly give their time and are happy to share their expertise with the less informed. Without them the hobby could not survive.

How about a word of thanks to him and all those who take the time and effort to promote the hobby....Bill Nevins
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It would be amazing if you could post photos of each of the items Stad is referring to in Comment time when you reprint them.
It seems he often had either no pictures or very small ones. Imagine how good it would be if new quality photographs were taken and added
I know Kent, nice guy very knowledgable, met him on more then a few occasions.

Never met Paul, but he seems nice enough and he certainly knows a lot about the hobby and the history.

I think they are both good sources and wouldn't hesitate to ask either of them a question or exchange stories with either one.
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I know Kent, nice guy very knowledgable, met him on more then a few occasions.

Never met Paul, but he seems nice enough and he certainly knows a lot about the hobby and the history.

I think they are both good sources and wouldn't hesitate to ask either of them a question or exchange stories with either one.

What I think is one of Mr STadengers strong points is his knowledge of European product. Alot of US guys are knowledgeable about American plastic but I dont know of many who are equally comfortable with international plastic. Not sure if he's still active but Richard O'Brian who wrote a couple of books on this subject always seemed to be one of the experts.

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