Wow! That's one of a kind. Pegaso makes very nice figures!
I missed the one below (see link) on Ebay a while ago and I still have not recovered from it : Pages/page 9f.html
Thanks guys, appreciated.
Grognard, try this dealer, Colorado Miniatures
Wow! That's one of a kind. Pegaso makes very nice figures!
I missed the one below (see link) on Ebay a while ago and I still have not recovered from it : Pages/page 9f.html
Great job Rod. The shield steals the show but the shading and color blending and detail work on the rest of the armor and figure are no less impressive. Thanks for sharing this wonderful effort.
My sentiments exactly. Can you tell us what all the numerals mean on the front of the shield??
Grognard, nice piece and good painting job, did you paint him?