Here are a few pictures from my tables at the recent Anandale show, the show went very well for me, thanks to all of you who attended and supported me................
Hi George, nice to see you again as always. And I like that you have the picture proof of the block house shown. You know what I'm talking about. When will those stairs be in? :wink2:
I'm off to the pacific next week. Will see you at Historicon next I think. Lots of new stuff being released. I'll send you an e-mail when I return.
Jeez, I can't believe we lived on Little River Turnpike next door in Fairfax from 1967-70 before they had the Annandale Show. That's the story of my life. Oh well. BTW, does anyone know what the paid attendance is at this show?
Thanks for the comments everyone, there were close to 300 people at the show, was busy all day long, Virginia is very strong in the way of dedicated collectors of toy soldiers..............
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