Playing games with your figures (1 Viewer)

Feb 8, 2007
On the off chance that anyone else likes to play wargames with their figures I have created free versions of my rule sets. (FireFox users have reported getting 'damaged file' messages so there is some issues with FireFox- if you try both download sites and still cant get the files please pm me for an email)

Worlde of Terror Incognito- French & Indian War playtest; This edition is a black and white set of the basic Revised rules for Terror Incognito*. The rules are good for any black powder era skirmish gaming. Also included are the playtest rules for making characters from the French & Indian War.

*Full color set includes the graphic novel chapter one 'Wendigo' and scenarios for playing the comic.

Banners & Battalions; The first 15 pages of the company sized battle game- basic rules copy (Infantry & Cavalry; Batterys) One set of counters included.


My main hosting site has them at Lulu but there seems to be some people who have had troubles with Lulu so here is a primer to the Lulu sign up:

1)Click sign up:

2)You do have to enter the fields about who you are and your email addy- but I've made 4 fake accounts now including the one with the name Fakey McFake at and it downloads fine.

It will take you to your account page- then you go back to the free book- click add to cart and then click download.

Repeat- it lets you download it fine without even a valid name or email addy so if you follow the steps above you should be good.

Some people reported getting sent to Paypal but I have no idea what they may have clicked as it doesnt happen to me lol


I also have been given a place to host them on Miniature Wargaming for people who dont want to use Lulu:


Banners & Battalions
Just to let everyone know, if enough interest and posts are generated about wargaming I'd be happy to add a forum category for it. I've been surprised that the subject doesn't come up much. Talk of wargaming-scale figures would also count toward the tally.
I would love to see pictures posted of people's games set up--it's a whole 'nother aspect of toy soldier collecting and one I don't know much about.

During some of the wargaming conventions that I attend, there is 1/32 being played ,usually FOV vehicles and painted plastic figures. Michael
Jay, Thanks for those links, I'll try them out when I get a chance.

Yes, I play wargames with 54mm. Games are seldom but for AWI and FIW we use THE SWORD AND THE FLAME supplement.Used the same rules for the 1 time I had Rorkes drift out on the table for a convention.

As games are so few and far between I really don't have too many rules for 54mm.I have charts for weapons etc for WW2 and we divised a simple turn/initiative sequence.If we run into problems we just wing it, roll dice to decide how to take care of it. We've been thru far too many games and rules over the years to get too hung up on rules lawyering.As long as it makes sense and we have a good time is all that matters anymore.

A wargames category would be splendid Shannon! Some images and a little narrative as to whats taking place would be a lot of fun to post.



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Yes please to a forum!

When I was 'young' (about 6? 9?) I started buying the 1:32 AirFix sets and did the old d6 where a 6 is a hit stuff. When I moved onto 'mini' gaming all the scales were the small ones and it wasnt until late last year that I ever considered 54mm Wargaming- and now I'm hooked again lol.

I tend to make my rules 'generic' scale because I use 54mm and N scale for my games now- usually the 54mm for my skirmish stuff and the N for the huge battalion sized games. I also keep them pretty simple- the focus being playing a nice game rather than rules that try to capture physics and reality lol.

I think that more and more people will come back to gaming with 54s as they become more and more 'common' to the market. Even the traditional 'miniatures' seem to be creeping upwards so that instead of just 28s there are now 32s 36s 40s 45s.

I cant help but play with my toys :D

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