Please help me identify this Russian Manufacturer (1 Viewer)


Jul 17, 2009
Can anyone help me identify the manufacturer of this Greek Hoplite?
I purchased this Greek Hoplite on ebay from a seller who only knew that it came from Saint Petersburg. I fortunately have a photo of the markings under the base.
Unknown Manufacturer 3141 Greek Hoplite pic 5.jpgUnknown Manufacturer 3141 Greek Hoplite pic 1.jpgUnknown Manufacturer 3141 Greek Hoplite pic 2.jpgUnknown Manufacturer 3141 Greek Hoplite pic 3.jpgUnknown Manufacturer 3141 Greek Hoplite pic 4.jpg
that is made by Grenada.

They made figures for AeroArt/St. Petersburg Collection for a number of years. When AeroArt moved on to other manufacturers, Grenada still produced on their own. I do not know if this was made for AeroArt or for themselves, but at least you know the manufacturer now!

Oh wait, or is it Grudsky, now I'm drawing a blank. If no one responds before then, i'll check for you when I get home (i'm leaning more and more that it's grudsky but will check)
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Somewhere here in the forum is a thread with a chart showing the marks of various Russian makers, I'm pretty sure. If I can find the thread, I'll link it back here. I also thought I saw one at Aero-Art's site, but a quick look over there didn't turn it up.

OK, I now know why I was confused - that logo is from Grudsky/Grenada

I don't know the history there. Did Grenada become Grudsky or did Grudsky become Grenada??? I don't know
Where this specific figure is concerned (#3141), this was produced by Grudsky Studio for the St. Petersburg Collection. It was sculpted by Serge Bazylev. As best I can tell, not clear though, the painter was Marina Andreeva. It was first released in 1998 and 44 of them were produced.
The source of the information is from the The AeroArt St. Petersburg Collection 1992-2004 Index Guide, Page 70. A great reference book. Does anyone know if there was a followup edition from 2005 forward?
There is not. They have been toying with making a second version, but it's not a sure thing by any means.

I have sent a few of my figures to them to be photographed (ones they no longer had) in the event that there is a new book but they told me not to get my hopes up. :(
Hello ,have this one. Only difference, shield has Medusa head instead. Bull shield and figure shown, very nice. Grenada makes them or use to. Don't know what happened to them? thought they made very interesting figures
and figure sets.

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