PNG Cyclist (1 Viewer)


Sep 10, 2008
Papua New Guinea (PNG). This piece was conceived many earthly rotations ago but somehow fell off the radar screen. I was sorting out another box of stuff and this fell out, surprisingly still quite intact with the bicycle and a prototype pig (will show later). The bicycle is from Scalelink. So a quick pose on the bike and I decided to change all the limb positions and the figure is now being converted.

Rgds Victor

More subtle changes were made to the riding position. I have started to sculpt a trussed-up pig on the back of the bike.

Rgds Victor

You've really caught the body language of the rider- and pig. The pig's a subtle little gem. The interplay of gravity and its internal structure is perfect.
Hi Mike,

thanks for your comments.

I adjusted the pose slightly. I have started to add details to the face and headdress, and elongated the neck of the pig - also added a drum.

Rgds Victor

After a slight delay (because I couldn't find the piece!), I managed to locate the bicycle, drum, pig and rider. After a critical evaluation, the head dress was changed. I filed down the backside, changed the pose of the right leg slightly and also filed down quite substantially, the arms of the figure.

I rebuilt the body musculature, including adding a substantial tummy, to represent malnutrition. Arm bands and a waist band were added. A wire necklace was wound around the neck. A wire insert was made between his legs to anchor to the bicycle seat for a firmer attachment. The drum was given some etched designs and the pig posture was slightly altered. The next thing to be added will be the dancing apron and then the fun of dressing the figure up in foliage and feathers begins. I also have to knock up an interesting base for this piece.

The apron was made from rolled out putty. When it had semi-cured, this was cut to shape and draped on the figure and on the bicycle frame.

I added some shells to his necklace and resculpted the head net. I added fangs to the pig, sculpted the legs and added more fur. This is near to completion.

Had a great time over the weekend and managed to get in some real modelling time. I fixed all the fiddly bits together and securely onto a piece of basswood. Here are all round views of the piece ready for final detailing and painting.

Rgds Victor

I made up a lot of bases over the past week. Using mostly old pieces of wood, these were further distressed and chipped away to create more interesting shapes. I use a Bosch power tool grinder to achieve this. Thin wood veneer was stuck on selective areas. The bases were then stained and gloss varnished, sanded down and revarnished.

Groundwork was created on the tops of these bases with putty. For the cyclist, I selected a tall base and cut a groove in the groundwork to insert the cyclist, which was epoxied into place. More groundwork was scattered to cover the groove. This creates a dramatic scene in which the cyclist is careening down a steep slope, hence the lack of bicycle spokes.

Having decided to base this piece on an Enga tribesman, I redid the headpiece. I removed the netbag and resculpted the head. The top was drilled to plant in the feathers on top. The figure was painted and minor defects were noted to be rectified.

I picked up this piece from the stash and scrapped off all the imperfections. Minor repairs were done. Brass etch foliage was added to the figure.

This piece was featured as part of my native collection in a magazine about a year back. These are some more detailed shots of the piece to close off this thread.


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