Poppo's work (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Mar 17, 2012
I will put in this thread the final version of all my dioramas through new photos. It represents many working hours; the work was not real fun,but the final result was a pleasure for me. Now, I understand that this work has increased my patience, my precision, my concentration, my manual abilities...
Before making the dioramas, I enjoyed searching many photos on the internet for a more accurate historical result. I also had to change and repaint many items to have what I wished. With these modifications on the toysoldiers, I could in some occasions create a new coherent troop, so my initial collecting activity has become a mix of collecting and modifying.
Here the first: Waffen ss in Kursk

Making dioramas is useful for learning unknown historical facts and for studying uniforms.

Hi Poppo.

As you say, doing research for a diorama throws up all sorts of things that adds to our knowledge on a subject and enjoyment.

Did you make your own robes for the horsemen Poppo, adds flavour to the scene ?

Hi Poppo.

As you say, doing research for a diorama throws up all sorts of things that adds to our knowledge on a subject and enjoyment.

Did you make your own robes for the horsemen Poppo, adds flavour to the scene ?


Hi Steve:salute:: Yes, I made the horsemen robes with wet igenic paper...You can model it very easily and when it dries , it becomes hard and you can paint it.I wished to recreate moroccans in the early 20th century. I used the same proceeding to make one FL pants.

I enjoy your collection. I can almost see you visualizing each of your dioramas as you put them together.

Rgds Victor

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