I'm having some trouble posting pictures from photobucket. Can anyone explain how to post pictures that start off small and have a button to click on to blow the picture up to its actual size?
Hi, Matos!
In Photobucket, drill down into whichever album contains the picture you want to link, for example, Photobucket>My Albums>(Album 1).
Once you have entered the album, hover the cursor over the picture (some call this a "mouseover", too), and you should see a menu popdown open up from the bottom of the picture.
In this popdown menu, the last row is marked "IMG". That contains the image link that you can use to embed a thumbnail in a post in a forum like ours, or a document or a blog. Click on the text in the IMG row to copy it to your "clipboard".
You should be able now to start a new thread here, and paste the image link into the body of your post.
Here's an example, using a photo I have stored at Photobucket:
If you hit the Quote button to my post, look at the text, and you'll the literal text of the image tag.
How the thumbnail and link render in any given website may vary a little, depending on the way a particular site's designer has chosen to define his pages, and any software package he's using. For example, over at FineScale Modeler's site, the thumbnails are now drawn with a bar at the bottom to click to enlarge the image, and it defaults to opening in a popup, but the process to insert the image in your post is the same.
Same goes for getting the image tag from the photo hosting site, whether it's Photobucket, Fotki or some other site. In the end, you want to look for the image tag ("IMG"), if you want to put thumbnails into posts. The other tags that you may see support other methods, like directing the user to the host site, or opening the image in a new browser window for viewing (those aren't as convenient, in my opinion, as a user).
Hope that helps, prost!