Pretty Expensive Over $500 for HaT 1/32 Prussians on Amazon (1 Viewer)


Mar 4, 2011
Hät 9401 - 1/32 7 Years War Prussian Infantry (Marching) by Unbekannt
by Unbekannt
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Price: $513.34 + $4.49 shipping

I know these are discontinued but they must have gold in their cartridge boxes.
You know,this sounds enticing however I'm scraping up $800.00 +$25.00 post to buy the'retired'
K&C Sherman tank on E-Bay.Drat the luck.But you know in 5 years time(or less),that $800.00 might
buy me 2 new First Legion figures. Yessirree.
Must be a typo you get that Hat 1/32 Prussian set on Ebay at normal prices!
Or the seller has no idea. But the asking price isn't that big a deal. You can ask whatever you want for an item you want to sell. But if someone actually buys the item at a price that is many times over the usual price the market asks, well, then I remember comedian Harry Anderson's quote that a fool and his money were lucky to get together in the first place.

The only reason I found this crazy price was doing a search for the HaT Prussians, which I plan to paint as FIW 60th Royal Americans and base on All The King's Men stands.

I did manage to find one in England and a local dealer had one left. There are a few on Amazon at more reasonable prices of $29 or so.
The only reason I found this crazy price was doing a search for the HaT Prussians, which I plan to paint as FIW 60th Royal Americans and base on All The King's Men stands.

I did manage to find one in England and a local dealer had one left. There are a few on Amazon at more reasonable prices of $29 or so.

Should have come to me in the first place!
plastics have been discovered by prices,,,just like turkey a few years ago

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