Question About Ak20 Demag Half-track (1 Viewer)


Private 2
May 12, 2005
I had a tough time tracking this one down, I finally got one, but wasn't this a more recent issue? Is this on par as far as the figures detail and the vehicles detail with the other Africa Korp line? I have not got mine yet, should be in the mail next week. I was just curious if this is just one of those that sold out quickly, because almost no one had any left. Mark
I'm not sure which vehicles you're comparing it to but I think it's a great vehicle. I have one of the Panzers and they're both pretty darn good. The Demag is from 2002 so that's probably not a bad run so it may have just reached the end from Andy point of view, that's all.
That is a great piece and has just run its time. I don't think there are many sets you will see last much longer than 2 years before being retired. Sales dictates this and so does the new release of something in that series. There will be some new Afrika Korps coming early next year so this is probably clearing the way for them.

I don't want to end up placing a string of advertisments for other toy stores on Shannon's site but if you need a duplicate AK20 there are a quite few sites out there that still have it in stock:

Les Artisans du Bas Canada offer the piece for CAN$ 132:

Massimo Perecin's Il Modellismo still has it but at the current exchange rate it's a bit pricey at EUR 110:

George's Minute Men site still lists it as available for $90:

Peter Dale in Leeds, England offers it at the UK price of £81:

Although Jack Carleton's Le Petit Soldat is primarily Lucotte and other St Petersburg-type ranges, they still have the AK20 priced at $99 (as is the Stug IV also):

Even though they're Canadian, Maitland list in US dollars, and have it in stock for $89:

Peter Nathan still has it for AUS $185:

Saimex have it for EUR 105 (slightly cheaper than Il Modelismo) but the exchange rate puts that over the $130 mark at present:

Another Italian site list it as being in stock, for EUR 128:

Not to be outdone by the other 3 sites, Sticktoy of Milan also have it in stock:

Spirit of 76 have it for $94:

Terence Newbury in London has it listed at £80.95 (5p cheaper than Peter Dale): Corps.htm

The Barracks Gate have it for $90: War II&itemsubcategory=Afrika Corp&pid=617

The Toy-maker of Williamsburg have it listed for $104:

Small Regiments have it for $89:

HSTSS list it as available for EUR 89:

Berliner Zinnfiguren have it for EUR 152 (around $200) but I think you can claim a refund on the 16% VAT:

Now obviously there is a stong possibility that some or most have not updated their websites. However, it'd still be a stretch to say that this is becoming tough to track down just yet. Certainly when the new AK sets become available the last of these will sell out but for the moment if you need a duplicate for swaps there are plenty out there.
Further to Joe's point, on the recently retired items although sites remove them when it's retired, a lot of sites still continue to carry them and if you do a little looking, it's not hard to find, at the original pre retired price. One such site is the Goodrich Toy Soldier site,

I just recently bought a Matilda from them so they're out there.
The Demag holds up well to the newer releases. It also comes with several figures, so it was a bargain. It is getting harder to find, and a lot of sites list items they are out of and never update thier sites.
Re: Ak20 Demag Half-track-we've got one

Our Treefrog website lists the AK20 as out of stock and gone but there is actually one left on the shelf that got missed. Price is $89. Send me a message or call if you want it. 1-866-394-2418 (within US) 1-507-545-1272 intl.

I didn't realize it had been taken off the website and had been wondering why it hadn't been snapped up yet.

Shannon, you wouldn't have by chance happened to have also missed a winter tiger on that shelf?
victory said:
Shannon, you wouldn't have by chance happened to have also missed a winter tiger on that shelf?

She did but I got it :D :eek:
Did she mention the 5 cases of wooden Tigers that turned up behind the furnace? To think that she's willing to part with them for only $25 each :p

Hee hee
I tell you guys are full of great information, thanks for all the tips....Shannon, if I would have known you had it, I would have bought it from you, but the good news is, I will be buying the rest of the AK series from you tonight......thanks again all, Mark
Thanks for the heads up on the set, I will contact them to see if they have the set in stock.

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