Questions for Andy on new tanks (1 Viewer)


Apr 30, 2005
Hi Andy,

First, as always the new releases look great. I'm very excited, especially for the Panzer I and the new Tiger.

I just had two quick questions that came to mind about armor in the future, obviously after these new releases come out. First, a while back I believe it was mentioned that you were thinking about possibly releasing a new Panther, maybe with Vampir equipment. I was just curious as to what the status of this was, be it no longer a consideration, planning stages still, etc?

Second, I wanted to know if you had any plans for a new, European theater, rather than Afrika Korps, Panzer III, or more importantly, Panzer IV, possibly with side skirts?

Just curious to know if these were in the pipe or not.

Thanks as always

Bill Schlavis

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