RAF looking to purchase a new airplane - can you help? (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Jan 7, 2013
My RAF guys are going to get pretty bored if they don't get something to fly soon! What is your favorite (available) RAF fighter plane that you think I should add here? (going to be getting some ground cover too, so any thoughts on that are welcome as well - thinking a build-a-rama mat or something)

I would try to make a play for one of Serge's wooden birds.
Brad - play has already been made, but the RAF guys are in my office and I don't trust the cleaning people (and others coming in and out) completely with this stuff. If I get one of the wooden ones - it will be kept at home! (good thinking though)
My RAF guys are going to get pretty bored if they don't get something to fly soon! What is your favorite (available) RAF fighter plane that you think I should add here? (going to be getting some ground cover too, so any thoughts on that are welcome as well - thinking a build-a-rama mat or something)


Kc Spitfire IX would look good with them sets
My RAF guys are going to get pretty bored if they don't get something to fly soon! What is your favorite (available) RAF fighter plane that you think I should add here? (going to be getting some ground cover too, so any thoughts on that are welcome as well - thinking a build-a-rama mat or something)


Hi Zach,

Just sorta thinking out loud here, but do you know anybody who has a 1/32 Corgi Hurricane? If so, it might be worth borrowing so as to see what it looks like parked "somewhere in the neighborhood" of your display. The scale is off, I know, but it's considerably larger than the Corgi Spitfire. Because of that, it'd probably be a better a compliment to your diorama than the Spit. Like I said, though, just a thought.

Hi Guys, hi Zach,

Congratulations on your new RAF collection...They look great!

Now, as for a suggestion for suitable aircraft to help “populate” your display...Might I be so bold as to recommend any or both of the following...And the scale is spot on! Photos attached...

All the best and happy flying...

Andy C.​


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Hi Andy,

I didn't realize that GN-A came sans pilot, or at least without a figure in the cockpit:


This configuration makes for a better display, IMO.

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Looks great Andy! Do you know what manufacturer makes those airplanes??? hahahaha :rolleyes:
I absolutely love these new RAF pieces! I had NO RAF until the cricket club and now I am out of control (Once again!!!!) grabbing everything I see.
The RAF is now ready for battle! Plane in place and they now have a field - now to find some Germans to attack!!!!

All splendid pics guys, this is right up there with the best ranges K&C have ever made.:salute::

The Typhoon is a great late war choice however for an early war display might I suggest the best warbird of all time...any of K&C's versions of the Battle of Britain SPITFIRE!

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