Re-enactor Job (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Hi everybody:D

I'm in 4th year at school, and in 4th year is when the school starts to talk about the application of jobs and careers and the dreaded "YOUR FUTURE":eek:

Anyways, since I can remember I've always wanted to be a policeman, ahowever I've also always been a huge fan of history! As most of you probably can tell;)

And for a while now I have thought about it, an I actually have no idea about what I would like to do:(

But the thought came to me today as I typed in Waterloo in Youtube, and a videoof a past reenactment of the battlecame up. After watching it I knew that this was exactly the job for me!:D

It involves one of my great passions, history, and another which is to live in a time of a grean historic battle!

I have been to a reenactment before, Bannockburn! It was amazing! I was only about 10 or 11 at the time, but I was in actual awe!:D

Anyways, I have been looking on the internet, searching on Google and such for information about reenactment jobs, but so far I have not found anything in terms of beneficial information about the occupation:(

So I was wondering, since there are so many of us Toy Soldier lovers, who probably have a whole range of jobs, maybe some of you could put me on the right path, and give me information, and maybe a des cription of what to have and what there is to do as a reenactor:)

Any information anyone has would be most appreciated, as I do not want to end up in a career, which I do not like to be in, I would rather make the most of my life and reach the very height of my dreams and goals, and maybe failing in the process, but at least I will know that I have tried!

Thank you for everyone who reads this and an extra special thanks to all who reply or have information:)

I just really need some help:eek:
I am pretty sure that re-enactors do not get paid for their time, it is their hobby and they do it as a labor of love; I have several customers who are re-enactors and they purchase out of their own pocket their uniforms, weapons, etc, etc.

Many are parts of clubs who organize the events around this country.

Now don't get me wrong, that would be an excellent job if it was a paying gig.................
Hi Scott. I think you will find that there are no paying jobs in re-enactment. Most units are run like local clubs and are purely volontary. With your interest in history it might be worth your while looking for a job in a museum, somewhere like the museum complex in Edinburgh Castle would be right up your street. Another alternative would be somewhere where re-enactment is used as a teaching aid. The Imperial War Museum North has permanent groups demonstrating jousting and swordplay for example. I wish you luck in your future endeavours. Alan
I See:D
Thank you very much:D
Guess I can still go for the Police jobn then:p:D

Anyone know where to get any more information on being a reenactor?:D

Thanks for the treplies guys btw:D
Hi Scott. I think you will find that there are no paying jobs in re-enactment. Most units are run like local clubs and are purely volontary. With your interest in history it might be worth your while looking for a job in a museum, somewhere like the museum complex in Edinburgh Castle would be right up your street. Another alternative would be somewhere where re-enactment is used as a teaching aid. The Imperial War Museum North has permanent groups demonstrating jousting and swordplay for example. I wish you luck in your future endeavours. Alan

Been there, done that, I had an interview type meeting with the area of museums for my area in Glasgow, and I had my work experience in one:)

I love history, however just like acting out areas in history with toy soldiers, I would enjoy a more active side of history, that is why I would like to be a reenactor, maybe even as a summer job for the future:D
Scott, although reenacting does not pay (believe me it is quite the opposite), I have known folks that have held summer jobs during tourist season being living-historians here in Virginia. These jobs are at historic tourist venues like Williamsburg, Harper's Ferry, a few museums, recreated villages and a few amusement parks etc. Some are state and others are national or privately owned parks. These jobs usually require a skill such as blacksmithing, gunsmithing, carpentry etc and you'll portray life in the past. If you are serious about such a job think of a place in your area that has these kinds of activities and talk to the artisans in the field of your choice about taking you on as an apprentice. You will have to be serious and convince whoever you talk to that you are in it for the long haul. Most folks in these areas are very willing to take on apprentices because they dont want to see their trades fade away. It can be alot of fun as well as a lot of work. You will also have the first hand opportuntiy to pass on skills from the past to our future generations. Good luck in your eneavor.
One of my majors in school was History. Got me into the US Park Police at 21years old. Tons of fellow officers were either reenactors or CW metal detector hounds. Do what you like, but like what you do!
Some good advice above.
Pretty much same down here. In fact most re-enactors I know down in Oz have spent a lot of money on their gear and do it for the love of it. One guy I know worked in one of the tourist places doing Old Sydney Town stuff and has now graduated to having a major uniform collection and now provides gear and advice to movies and shows.
Probably not a good "career" path.
All the best with the job hunting. Never would have guessed you were only 15.
Having been a police officer for 20 years I would say it is an interesting job but certainly not one to do for the money.
I'd like to do something of a Napoleonic theme, but I'd defintely devote my full time and concentration to it:)
Scott have you tried the Royal Armouries in Leeds they have actors reenacting many rolls from medieval to WW1. When Ive visited the re-enactors fill many rolls within the military history subjects.

Regards John

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