Real Nobel Prize Winner (1 Viewer)


Memoriam Member
Jan 9, 2008
Yo Troopers just got this email, as it says the World should see this, its a very moving scene dont you think.

John Gebhardt's wife, Mindy, said that this little girl's entire family was executed. The insurgents intended to execute the little girl also, and shot her in the head...but they failed to kill her. She was cared for in John's hospital and is healing up, but continues to cry and moan. The nurses said John is the only one who seems to calm her down, so John has spent the last four nights holding her while they both slept in that chair. The girl is coming along with her healing.
He is a real Star of the war, and represents what America is trying to do.
This, my friends, is worth sharing. Go for it!! You'll never see things like this in the news. Please keep this going. Nothing will happen if you don't, but the American public needs to see pictures like this and needs to realize that what we're doing over there is making a difference.. Even if it is just one little girl at a time.
James Gates U. S. Navy


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Humble chief gains national attention

Posted 11/10/2006 Updated 11/10/2006


Tribute to U.S. Military

Aired November 11, 2006 - 22:00 ET


LIN: Well, tomorrow, Lou Dobbs salutes the men and women in uniform. They're protecting Americans at home and overseas. CNN celebrates America's heroes Sunday evening at 7:00 Eastern. And one picture conveys both tragedy and hope in Iraq. Nurses at this Air Force base hospital say only one man could calm this little Iraqi girl, who went through the worst tragedy imaginable. Insurgents executed her entire family right in front of her and then shot her in the head. But you can see, she napped securely in the arms of Chief Master Sergeant John Gebhardt.

Joining me now is the man in the picture, Sergeant Gebhardt. Chief Master Sergeant Gebhardt, just looking at that picture, you know, it just resonates with so many people. It does represent strength and honor.

I know you don't like the attention. Were you surprised at the reaction to that picture?

CHIEF MASTER SGT. JOHN GEBHARDT, U.S. AIR FORCE: Very surprised. But I can - I understand why people are attracted to it. I believe they can see themselves in it. And while it's me in the photo, it could be any American or anybody serving in or out of uniform would give the same care and compassion in that situation.

LIN: What do you think it was about you that calmed her?

GEBHARDT: I don't know. I'm old, plenty of room to lay on me.

LIN: Oh, come on. You know, I think you're better with kids than you want to let on. I know your kids are older now, almost grown, but I heard that she was inconsolable, that she simply would not stop crying.

GEBHARDT: Yes, fussing. She had quite a traumatic injury. And though you can see part of the staples on one side of her head there, there are equally as many on the other side, if not more. It is a pretty horrific injury.

And I imagine it's just human contact that would -- made her calm down a little bit more. And the nurses there had plenty of work to do on their own. And it was one small thing I and other people could do to alleviate some of their, their heroic duties they perform everyday.

LIN: What were you thinking as you held her through the night?

GEBHARDT: Oh, you reflect on a lot of things. How grateful I am for the life I live and my children. My nephews, nieces, and the life we live here in America. And wishing the same for her and the other Iraqi children that we saw over there.

On a regular basis, you would wish that they'd have the same freedom, fear of not having that fear of the threat that they have. And that's one of the reasons we're over there to provide a better life for their children and to protect our children's future.

LIN: It is a tender picture to see you, chief, holding a different child, a baby this time, almost newborn it appears. And I just think that to share these images from the war zone is a special treat for us. It gives dimension to story. And it certainly shows, I know you were but one example in that hospital of the compassion shown to the Iraqi people. So I appreciate your time.

GEBHARDT: Well, thank you, Miss Lin.

LIN: Thank you, chief.

What a beautiful story. This is what I was raised to believe the United States military is all about.
I am very happy that is a story that checks out.

I always fact check before I post something. Usually these stories don't check out and people feel disappointed.

Thankfully this one is real.

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