Congratulations on your purchase! I love the Beau Geste figures and I am glad someone else is also collecting them.
Yes, the figures are a bit taller and more robust than many. I think Ana said the figures were a
true 54mm as measured from the base to the figure's eye level. Many other figures are 54mm from the base to the top of the head. There is just enough difference that the figures do not always blend exceptionally well with those of other makers.
And,...I certainly want to add that I feel your pain regarding posting pictures. I am slowly working on learning how to: 1) take better pictures, 2) alter the size of the images to fit posting requirements on Treefrog, and 3) learning how to post them when they finally fit all the necessary requirements. At the rate I am going, I should be posting pictures by the year 2010! Wanna race?
Warmest personal regards,