I have become a buyer of the 'lower end' Suntup editions, to a limited degree, meaning I don't buy everything, just what I like. I have obtained I Am Legend at a very reasonable price on the secondary market and I contracted to buy Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 from the publisher at issue price. F-451 arrived today and is a beautiful production, as is I Am Legend. I have had to say no to Red Dragon as it is just too much money on the secondary market. Keep in mind, Suntup usually does it's books in 3 classes; a lettered edition (26 copies); a limited numbered edition (usually in the 250 copy range); and what they call the Artist's Limited Edition (usually 1000 copies). The third class, the one with 1000 copies, are the ones I buy. Simply can't go near the other 2 classes as they are just astronomical in price. At any rate, they are beautiful productions and I am thrilled I have been able to purchase a few of them. -- Al