Reenactor Videos (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Feb 8, 2006
At one time ACW and English battles, reenactor videos were all over the place. They were well done and offered some great and accurate entertainment on any number of battles. I still have the entire ACW series from the Classic Images battle series. I have an excellent Antietam video as well as Custer reenactor videos, stuff from the old Cromwell series done in England. We so often are clammoring for historical films to be made accurately, and yet for some time they have always been around. No famous actors or high paid extras, but you would not find more honest performances..Michael
Although the bulk of civil war reenactor videos tend to be historically accurate,the great majority are let down by the participants who are either too old,way overwieght or in completely the wrong type of uniform.Of late this sorry situation has been rectified somewhat by the excellent 'Wide Awake' series of DVDs,especially their Chickamauga and Franklin battles.

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