Well, I have a very simple process that I use and has worked every time, but never for something that big.
Simply get a good brand of CLAY MIX cat litter, a few Dixie Cups and a large plastic that can seal shut.
Pour in some cat litter, level, place in the Dixie cups and place the object one top of the cups. Seal the bag and let it be for a while.
The cigarette particles are absorbed by the litter.
I have done books, boxes, foam inserts and soldiers. I have never had an issue with the soldiers. It has removed 99% of the smell.
I do not reuse the litter for each item ... use fresh!
Caveat: I have not tried it with King and Country toy soldiers so you might want to check some more. Maybe Andy can give his thoughts on the chemical paint mixture that K&C uses and any possible effect from cat litter???:rolleyes2:
It takes a few days for books and boxes; less for soldiers and a good while for foam due to all the deep pockets.
Anybody else ever try this ... or have fears?
--- LaRRy