Retired John Jenkins sets (1 Viewer)

Greetings from Oregon. I just signed up for the forum. I just started to collect and have really "caught the fever." :) I started with K&C 1776 but soon discovered John Jenkins an I'm trying to play catch-up on Braddock's Defeat.:eek: March Through Time still hase 1 set on BM-03 left as of 2 days ago. I bought the other set he had. Waiting for Wolfe's Death to arrive as well as the next batch of FIW/Plains of Abraham figures. Regards to all.
Sir Sydney
BM-01 and BM-2 look to be gone. I was trying to get this for Aussie Monty but, alas, no luck.
Greetings from Oregon. I just signed up for the forum. I just started to collect and have really "caught the fever." :) I started with K&C 1776 but soon discovered John Jenkins an I'm trying to play catch-up on Braddock's Defeat.:eek: March Through Time still hase 1 set on BM-03 left as of 2 days ago. I bought the other set he had. Waiting for Wolfe's Death to arrive as well as the next batch of FIW/Plains of Abraham figures. Regards to all.
Sir Sydney

Hi SirSydney,

Welcome to the forum! It is always nice to see a new member begin to post. I encourage you to visit the forum often, post frequently, ask any and all questions, and contribute what you can to the forum knowledge of toy soldiering. You will find many friends here who share "the fever" with you! :D

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
I second what Pat has said, welcome. You should find this an interesting place to keep pace with this hobby of ours. I started collecting the new JJ figures when they first appeared on the forum in a posting by Carlos (desk11desk12). When I saw them, I purchased five sets of each the day I saw them. I sure am glad now as they are very hard to find. But, as you said you won't be collecting this particular series, can I interest you in WWII or perhaps the Napoleonic period, or even WWI? Lots of options and lots of ways to spend money. It's a great time to be collecting. Wonderful stuff, just wonderful stuff is available and coming to a dealer near you. Welcome home.

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