RP World (Steadfast) Open Day (1 Viewer)


Aug 26, 2006
RP World who cast and sell the Steadfast range, amongst others, have just moved premises and so held an open day yesterday.

Didn't know where to sticj this thread, but it's kind of like a mini show. ish.
I mentioned on one of the other threads how this place is a little chaotic, which I think the pictures bear testament to. In no particular order, some of their painted figures....






Various cast...er....bits,



Guns, big freakin guns!....with lots of barrels!



Nellies n' stuff;



Workshop / casting area:



Moulds....'fousands of 'em...

I was there for long enough for my two kids to skank about a tenners worth of deetail figures off the owners wife, due to being (relatively) well behaved and by doing the 'if I act cute, I'll get something' routine. Didn't work for me mind.

I ended up with some more Steadfast 24th, an additional batch of 5 Britains 24th castings (I like 'em, so now I can do a set in gloss and a set in matt - due to me being indecisive), some Britains WWI Tommy castings, which I aim to gloss up at some point, and my favorite, the Steadfast Camel with a 10 barrelled chip on it's shoulder. Cause I like Gatlings, in case nobody had noticed :rolleyes:

The camel looked to be an abondoned job, so Bob at RP sold it to me by weight - £10 incl handler. Cool. Never being much bothered by camels, but if you strap a big gun on the back, it becomes a little more interesting.






The drunken ponies !!!! Cheers Simon

Thanks for all of the pics. It looks like a great place to visit. All those mounted troops :p:p:p

And to think I used to live nearby (well relative to where I am now) and never even knew about them.

Just as well really I guess as I would be broke in about 20mins :D

Thanks again for taking and posting these pics and also for the info you pm'd me.

My pleasure gents. I could have spent a whole lot longer there.
What I really want to know, is what is in all of those little black discs. I'm sure there's all sorts of bits and pieces that aren't displayed or show on their site. Another time perhaps :rolleyes:

Looks like a good day to be had by all- so many interesting sights- I love the camel, the elephants, the little french tanks in the first picture and those sentry boxes- I think in the 2nd or third picture.

I love the shots of those big vats and all the other tools of the trade.
I see they have recasts of the Britains WWI line from the late 90's, they ones that compliment the "mother" tank.
Hi Guys,

Saw some very interesting figures here lots of Britains recasts I guess. Is there a website? Please post it if there is


I know at one time they used to make all of the figures for the Britains collector's Club, and as of a few months ago, still had some molds, boxes, and paints available from those days.
Thanks for pictures Simon. Interesting set-up. Those large round discs are the molds for spin casting. They probably hold 12 figures. I don't know if that is the discs you asked about. Nice photos. John
Thank you my Colonel for providing the Simon Show along with a great batch of photos and it looks like the paint brushes will be working over time. Appreciate the time spent in sharing the opening event....The Lt.

That's a good day out you had there. What a selection of figures to choose from. I see that there are even Britains Durbar Elephants and such like. Guns and more guns and Gatling guns by the box load. The painted figures I take it can be purchased singly or in multiples?

Thanks for going and taking photos. One day if I’m up your neck of the woods we should have a joint visit if you’re available.


That's a good day out you had there. What a selection of figures to choose from. I see that there are even Britains Durbar Elephants and such like. Guns and more guns and Gatling guns by the box load. The painted figures I take it can be purchased singly or in multiples?

Thanks for going and taking photos. One day if I’m up your neck of the woods we should have a joint visit if you’re available.


You're on! If you can get past the Sherwood Forest checkpoints :).


I got to watch them in action a few weeks back, molding my figures (+ other bits). First time I'd seen the casting process in the flesh. I'm surprised at the level of detail of the castings, as the moulds themselves look pretty undefined.

What I'd really like to know is what other molds they've got in that lot. I'm certain there's far more than the figures you see displayed.

Re the Britains connection, they've got a fair few of their molds, so I guess they used to cast those figures on behalf of Britains. Don't know if it was solely the Collector's Club figures or whether they did others too. I know they've got a few more 24th somewhere and a load of Zulus, which they hadn't uncovered at the time of enquiring.


I'm not sure you'll see any of the Britains stuff on their website, but I'll enquire with them next time as to what they have got. Anything in particular that you were looking out for?

Just got to finish off the ones I've already started, then I'll crack on with the newer ones. I'm not exactly what you might call a speed painter....


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