Russian Sailor Cap Tapes Suggestion (1 Viewer)


Mar 4, 2011
I am converting some AIP Russian infantry to the Russian Navy of WW1/Revolution/Civil War. The ones with the brimless caps have good possibilities but what can be used for the hanging 2 tapes from the rear of the cap? I need something that will hold up pretty well through wargame and storage.

Has anyone done anything like this?
That's tricky. My first thought was electric tape, but that wouldn't hold. I would drill a tiny hole and insert two thin strips of lead with some strong glue, then bend the strips down/apart and paint them.
Thin strips of the tissue paper that they pack your shirts in. Makes great maps for 1/32 scale as well. Been there, done that.
Lead foil, or other metal foil. I would cut a strip to the width of the body of the cap, and log enough to give you the hanging strips at the back. I would then apply CA glue to the body of the cap, and wrap the piece of foil around from the front to the back, crossing over the ends to let them dangle. Then you can prime and paint the figure. You can get the foil from wine bottles, from candy wrappers (I use the metal foil from Reese's miniature peanut butter cups, folded over twice and laminated with CA glue, to make flags for my Prussians), or you could even use aluminum kitchen foil.

Two-part epoxy like Knead-a-Tite. Mix it and then roll it out (like modeling clay) and flatten it. Usually it will adhere OK to most figures, but a little ACC wouldn't hurt. You can do an initial trimming before assembly, then any touch up later after it hardens.

Gary B
Waverly, NE
I see a problem in using putty for this kind of detail, in small scales, and that's that the finished product, when it cures, would be more prone to breaking off, than either metal or paper.

Do not underestimate the possibilities of plain copy paper. Cut it as desired, fix it to the figures hat with regular glue. Stiffen it by useing either fabric stiffener or water resistant white glue. Mold into the desired shape form a bed of plastiline aiding to hold the shape. Give it enough time to completly dry. Once dry paint it and you are done.
As for the hats use epoxy modelling clay, such as miliput, A+B puty etc. or try Fimo, sculpt a master bake it and make a mold of it, either out of fimo or thin kneadatite. Cut the mold in two parts, fill it with fresh Fimo, press the soft Fimo into the mold useing the end of a pencil or similar. Open the mold, retouch the hat/cap, test fit it on the individual figure, carefully remove it and bake it. Once done glue the hat/cap on the figures head with super glue and do the paper trick to attach the cap tapes. Might take a bit of practise but believe me it does work fine.

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