Saint Peter Reuss and the holy fishing fountain! (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Nov 3, 2005
Well Peter you asked for it and here it is!!! The bum gets his revenge!!!:p



A quick preveiw! More to come in the future.:D
Heres a picture of the scratch built figure. I tried to use some self hardning clay this time but its real brittle so I just used it for the main body. I used 2 part putty for the arms and head. I also scratch built the fishing pole.
This was just a real quick project, I haven,t had a lot of free time lately so I kind of rushed through this but its still good for a laugh!!!:D
Bless you Tim, for giving a man up at 2:15 a.m. feeding his daughter something to laugh at as she (slowly!) falls asleep in his arms.:D
Fish, you are amazeing, if you did that on short time, I fear what you can come up with in long time. Pete, welcome to the saga it only gets stranger. Mike:)
So thats how they fish in MN ? :p :p

Very funny - LOL - Mr. Fish - You Are The Man ! :D
Hi Tim,

Outstanding! :D:D:D Your talent amazes me and your humor keeps me in stitches! I cannot wait to see the next episode of your continuing saga! Great job!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Tim: That is really funny. I enjoy your humor and creativity. John
OMG I have to say its good to have you back Tim! I have missed the stories and figures you used to do.

Thanks for a great laugh

Funny that you brought this thread back up again Peter, We got together at Joes (the LT) this past weekend and Mike (Modwalls) and Joe were talking about these old threads and telling Nicholas (Scarlet pimp) about how they all got started with the kilted Vampire and his exploding lead coffee cup.:tongue:
I should dig up the rest of these old threads also for a laugh!:rolleyes2:

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