Conte came out with these two sets about 6 years ago. I bought them at the OTSN show that year.
They were his first attempt at resin figures. They were pretty bad, so bad in fact I bought the 2 sets one day at the show, took them back to my room, looked at the figures and brought them back the next day.
The figures were mostly just bad quality casting. Flashing, misshapen parts, you name it they had it.
RC replaced some figures with better quality figures and I kept the sets.
They consisted of about 4 buildings which were outstanding and the accesseries were nothing but Marx recast, Arab accesseries.
There were Afghan fighters with swords and muskets and Scotish Highlanders. There were probaly 8 to 10 different poses.
I later sold the figures for about $125 but kept the buildings.
If the figures would have been the quality resin Conte now does it would have been a nice set.
I believed I payed a total of $300 for both sets.