Seize the Fire (1 Viewer)


Dec 22, 2005
Gentle Friends,

As a result of reading posts by Wellington and other Napoleonic fans, I decided that I needed to learn more about the Napoleonic Wars, an area in which my knowledge is minimal. After reviewing the available books in the book store, I chose Seize the Fire by Adam Nicolson (ISBN: 0-06-075361-7), which is about Lord Nelson and the Battle of trafalgar. I was very surprised at what I learned.

Nicolson provides detailed descriptions of the cultural differences among the naval forces of the British, French, and Spanish and discusses how these differences played significant roles in the outcome of the battle. Such discussion was not at all what I expected, but I found it to be very enlightening. However, since this is my first reading regarding the Battle of Trafalgar, I am at a loss to know how accurate Nicolson really is. Therefore, I would like to ask the Napoleonic fans, if they have read this book and, if so, how accurately do you believe the author understands the cultural differences which he attempts to discuss and analyze?

If you have not read this book, I recommend it to you because I found it a bit different than most military history books that I usually read. It held my interest throughout the story, but it was not a detailed, blow by blow, account of the battle. Perhaps someone could recommend another good book about the Battle of trafalgar?

Warm regards,

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I,m glad to see more people getting into the napoleonic era. I,m more into the land battles than the sea battles but heres a book i think that you would really like alot its called the Trafalgar compaion. Just ask wellington about it he loved it. I had turned him onto the waterloo companion book by the same author and he bought both books and he said that they are both great and if its half as good as the waterloo companion book i,m sure you,ll love it they are very researched books with tons of info. Well worth the money.

Thanks for the recommendation. I have seen the book you recommend in the bookstore and it looked very impressive. At the time, I thought I should develop more general background knowledge concerning the Napoleonic era before I jumped into what seemed to me to be the highly detailed and technical information that the Trafalgar Companion offered. Rest assured, however, that I will give the Companion another, closer look when I next visit the bookstore.

Again, thanks for the recommendation. I appreciate the knowledge you display about the Napoleonic era.

Warm regards,

Hi Pat,

I have just about finished the latest book by Mark Urban called Rifles

It is about the 95th Rifles Regiment in the Penninsular Campaign and would be an excellent one to pick up for a look into the lives of many different soldiers NCOs and Officers. My other recommendation is to read some of the other books out there that cover the entire series of wars that make up the Napoleonic Wars and then pick a battle or two to read about more indepth like Austerlitz or Borodino or of course Waterloo. I find that this is a little easier since the scope of this series of wars was monumental and could be looked at as a world war especially when you add the naval demension.

Have a good day.


Thanks for the information. I will keep an eye out for Rifles. Do you have a suggestion for a good book that covers the entire series of Napoleonic Wars?

Warm regards,

Hi Pat,

This is a tricky question and it is really important to understand there are some really interesting books and authors out there and some very detailed dry as sand books that will cure the worst insomnia so I recommend the following: Die Hard! Famous Napoleonic Battles 1794-1815 by Philip Haythornthwaite. He has written a ton of books on this era and is considered by many to be the leading authority on the Napoleonic wars. He also wrote the following books:Napoleonic Source Book, Napoleonic Cavalry and Napoleonic Infantry. These are the ones I have seen readily available in the book stores and of course ebay. I have not read any of these only perused them while in the book stores. I think the first one will give you the best perspective on a series of battles spanning the entire period and should be interesting and this will allow you to focus on whichever battle you find the most interesting. I will tell you also that I am always looking for the short stories in Military History Magazine and Military History Quarterly. These two magazines cover the entire spectrum of military history and can have some great short essays on particular battles such as Austerlitz or Badajoz. So my recommedation is to check out the afore mentioned books if your library has them or find them at the second hand stores since some of them are very steeply priced. There are also some very good books on the subject that are long out of print and would be worth looking at when you can find them. Again the library is the best starting point so you dont dump a ton of cash on a book you may or may not like.

Hope this helps and have fun.


You have been very helpful and I appreciate the information very much. I will follow your advice, but I do so with a bit of anxiety. I have steadfastly resisted collecting Napoleonics as I already have great difficulty trying to keep up with the lines that I collect. If I get too interested in the Napoleonic Wars, I will most certainly be doomed to further collecting frustration (as well as collecting joy!)

Thanks, again, for your advice and information!

Warmest personal regards,

Hi Pat,

Anything to be of help. By the way what do you collect primarily? My collection seems to wander a bit but is mainly focused around Britians and Marlboroughs offerings for the Durbar and soon Beau Geste, with a bunch of other Napoleonics from an assortment of companies.

Oh, Dave,

I really hate trying to answer your question because my collection is so eclectic, but I will give it my best shot. Check the list below:

Beau Geste: Military Bands

Britains: Ameican Civil War, World War II, the Crimean War, Zulu Wars, Texas Revolution plus a number of various post-war Britains sets.

Conte: American Civil War

King and Country: Battle of the Bulge, Ancient Egyptians (and now, with Rommel's Greif, I guess I am beginning to collect the Afrika Korps)

Monarch Regalia: Samurai

St. Petersberg Collection: Various Knights

Tradition: American Civil War

Tedtoy: American Civil War

Trophy: Boxer Rebellion, Mexican-American War

Vintage Sets to include figures manufactured by Cherilea, Crescent, Frenchel, Johillco, Minikins, and Timpo.

To further complicate the issue, I also collect dimestores when I can find them at a reasonable price.

See what I mean about eclectic? I guess I am just out of control! But,...I love my collection and I would not have it any other way.

Wait a minute! You asked what I primarily collect! See the above list.

Warmest personal regards,

To say wow :eek: wouldnt even sum it up. I can't imagine having that many different types in my small collection.


I consider myself to be very fortunate to have the items I possess in my collection. The unfortunate thing is that I want so many more!


I hear you! It is so hard to find focus on a particular set or series because some are so short lived, however I have managed to really focus on my Durbar collection with a few exceptions here and there like a new really cool Winged Hussar I picked up last week which will I am sure fuel another display. Of course I have been picking up Napoleonics too when the price is right and I have the extra money. I guess thats why we collect right!


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