September Despatches (1 Viewer)

The Turkish car looks great so that is a must have - the ALH series just goes from strength to strength. For the first time in some months a few of the retirements are pieces that I need so a few dollars are going to find their way to my dealer!
Talk about late to the party!{eek3} Apologies Brad, I did indeed do eleven miles on Monday:)salute::) but then was away at friends and just got home. Thanks to all who posted pics in my shameful, disgraceful, naughty absence ^&grin:wink2:

Like the Stuart very much, how did Andy know I like Brit armour :wink2: Grey Germans cool too. Glad Wayne got these for his birthday:salute:: I couldn't post you a birthday thread Wayne as I was down in the country in a lovely valley where the reception on my phone was only now and then to put it mildly.

I will try not to be so tardy in October!^&grin:salute::

Roberto the missing
Talk about late to the party!{eek3} Apologies

Me too! The start of September is always a very busy time of year chaulk full of personal and professional obligations but I never can let a monthly dispatch go by without at least some comments!

For me the Stuart is the pick of the lot, definitely on my short list. My K&C WWII brit armour collection has really grown over the last few years! :cool: Really a quiet month for me and I'm fine with that as I've got lots of catch up to do from all the great releases recently. {eek3} I've spent the summer catching up on many of the recently retired pieces. As for this dispatch many releases are from things I don't collect like WWII Soviets, AWI, WWI, TRW etc. Many nice releases, the TRW Indians/Cavalry look very good. I'm sure collectors from the above mentioned series are quite pleased. Another huge retirement list luckily no damage on it for me. As always looking forward to future BOB releases and the Chicago show. :salute::

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