Seven Samurai movie (1 Viewer)

Go for Broke

Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2008
This movie is on Wednesday at 2:00 pm on TCM. A long movie, but the battle scenes are epic.
Could only watch parts of it the other night, but have seen it before. It is a 'must watch' for film buffs. I love the combat scenes that take place in the rain. Also, it is quite easy to recognize the characters and sequences of the film that were transferred to the US western 'The Magnificent Seven'. 'Seven Samurai' is a truly great film. -- Al
Seven Samurai was followed by Rashomon, another classic; it was so influential that it gave rise to the term Rashomon effect and to books and movies about the unreliability of witnesses.

Yojimbo and Throne of Blood (Japanese take on Macbeth) were on later that night or early that morning. I have not seen those but taped them. Also considered classics.
I missed the movie because of work, but one of the best battle scenes was when they let in a rebel mounted archer and his lancer and the ensuing fight. I didn't care for Yojimbo and Rashomon, but the last time I saw them I was really young. Maybe I'd appreciate them today. When I was kid my mom took me to a ton of Samurai films. They even had good World II movies and the films spray that blood everywhere. I remember one World II movie (Burma Harp?), where the Japanese soldiers were starving and they came upon another Japanese soldier carrying a human leg to eat. Brutal.
We don't get TCM on Comcast anymore.We probably got another music channel instead.
I missed the movie because of work, but one of the best battle scenes was when they let in a rebel mounted archer and his lancer and the ensuing fight. I didn't care for Yojimbo and Rashomon, but the last time I saw them I was really young. Maybe I'd appreciate them today. When I was kid my mom took me to a ton of Samurai films. They even had good World II movies and the films spray that blood everywhere. I remember one World II movie (Burma Harp?), where the Japanese soldiers were starving and they came upon another Japanese soldier carrying a human leg to eat. Brutal.


For as much I know about Japan and Japanese cinema, I did not not know about The Burmesese Harp movie or childrens book. I'll be looking for it on ebay or Amazon to order and watch. The Musashi Series with Toshiro Mifune is a classic and worthy of a binge.

John from Texas
John from Texas,
I was going from distant memory and am not sure that the Burma Harp is the actual movie about the Japanese soldiers. Please be sure to research before you buy.
"None but the brave", an American made movie with Frank Sinatra about a platoon of marine and Japanese soldiers stranded on an isolated island, is one of my favorites. I mention this movie every few years, but its really good.
Thanks to Katzie Kid, the movie about the desperate Japanese soldiers is not Burmese Harp, but Fires on the Plains. Hope you're reading this John from Texas.

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