Seven Years War uniform question? (1 Viewer)


Aug 30, 2010
Hoping that the SYW collectors may have a reference for this obscure uniform.

I am Currently painting a carabinier of the Schamburg Lippe Carabinier Squadron. The colour given for the trousers and gloves is 'brilliant deep yellow'. (figure on right in the image below). Is this correct or should they be a more natural buff colour?




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Hi, Scott, it's a medium buff shade, a little more yellowy than the buff breeches of other cavalry units, like the Prussian cuirassiers and hussars, and some infantry regiments. But certainly not a true yellow, like a lemon yellow.

Your painting guide is almost the same image that is printed in "Military Uniforms of the World in Color", by Preben Kannik. It's image 115, and in the book, the breeches, waistcoat and gauntlets have a yellowish cast. By comparison with some other uniforms on the same pages, whose color is yellow, I can say it's much paler.

A Schaumburg Karabinier is also depicted in Osprey's MMA 460, "Frederick the Great's Allies", on plate C. The illustrations are by Gerry and Sam Embleton, and they've chosen to render the color as a darker yellowish buff, almost the mustard yellow modelers use for German armor in WWII. It's noted in the text that their illustration is "tentatively based on Richard Knötel's interpretation of a painting dating from about 1765, when the unit was no longer in existence".

It's interesting to note that the unit was counted as light cavalry, whereas carabiniers in other armies, like they Austrian or the Brunswick armies, were counted as heavy or line cavalry. But this unit was really little more than a bodyguard for the Count of Schaumburg-Lippe, and apart from an action in August 1758, they were used for outpost and scouting duties.

What's the kit you're building? I didn't know anyone kitted this subject, unless it were New Hope Designs. I look forward to seeing the piece.

Hope that all helps, prosit!
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Hi, Scott, I checked one more source, the Seven Years War Project, and the article there on the unit refers to buff breeches. We have a scan of Knötel's engraving there, too, and I'm going to say that the Embleton's have made theirs too dark. Here's a link to the article at SYW Project:ückeburg_Carabiniers

I don't know if I've muddied the water or not, but I'm sticking with my original thought. Were I to paint this figure, in my gloss style, I'd use my usual color for buff, Testor's gloss enamel Cream color.

I look forward to seeing your piece, prosit!
Thanks Brad.

I will go with a buff colour as shown in that article. I don't think the yellow will look right.

The figure is a Grifo figure that was manufactured in Italy, dates to around 1983 and is nicely sculpted.

Will post it on the Frederick the Great's armies thread when finished. Finished in gloss of course.


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