SOS Need Conte Warlords Vikings Set 3 (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2007
Greetings everyone!

I am putting out a SOS for the Conte Warlord Vikings Set 3 plastic figures. I need these figures to complete my Conte playset.

I purchased a "Battle of Stamford Bridge" playset from Conte several years ago. Initially I did not open the box for several months... but once I did, I noticed that I was missing all the Viking poses from set 3... Long story short, I was sold an incomplete playset bought directly from Conte.... (a very unique situation from what I am

I immediately contacted Richard Conte, who stated he was "out of stock" and backlogged on the Vikings set 3 figures... he added additional figures from Vikings sets 1 & 2 to fill the missing ranks of set 3 vikings. He assured me that once he received some more set 3 figures, he would ship them out to me. Needless to say, it never happened... so after countless follow-ups with RC, to this day, he has never made this right.

Since then, I have been searching endlessly, trying all resources and friends I know of, to no avail.

So I am placing this SOS out there in hopes that someone who may be kind enough to have some extra sets or loose figures they are willing to sell or trade me. I attached a picture of the Conte vikings set 3, along with arrows pointing to the specific figures, I am missing and need to complete my Stamford Bridge playset. I am willing to buy the figures boxed or loose.


In my collection of toy soldiers, I have a variety of figures and sets from many manufacturers (Barzso, Conte, TSSD, AiP, Marx, Fov, 21stC, Accurate, MPC, Imex), in eras such as the F&I war, AWI, ACW, WW1, WW2, and modern figures (FOV). If there is anything special I have to trade, please let me know.

Please, is there anyone who can help me? I would be internally grateful...


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