My guess is the SW and SE bastions of FWH are probably close to the ideal textbook. The NW bastion is a "fatty", whereas the NE is Skinny.
The skinny NE bastion would be fine as it wasn't expected to be attacked by cannon. If you knew where an attck would be likely, you can beef up the dimensions of a bastion to make more room for cannons and make the internal area of the bastion more manageble and not a cramped (recoil) ......
Bah, my excel table blew up again !!! so summarizing ....
For a fort wall that is 300 feet from bastion tip to bastion tip, similar to FWH, the textbook:
Bastion Tip to Bastion Tip is 300 feet = 125 inches at 30 Scale.
Face is 85.71 Feet = 34.29 inches at 30 scale.
Flank is 32.5 - 33 Feet = 13 to 13.2 inches at 30 scale, 2 diffeent methods of calculation.
Curtain is 120 feet = 48 inches at 30 scale.
Again, the key point is very friendly on the miter saws if you use the "textbook" method (see below).