Stalingrad (1 Viewer)


Apr 2, 2007
Here's the pictures of the "factory" produced by David.
The story is the guys are servicing the Tiger in the damaged factory building when they come under attack from the Russians, so the troops and Pzkw 1V go to intercept.
Great building.





Re: Kharkov?

I love this factory....Of course, it's obviously not "Stalingrad" as there were no Tigers or Mark IV H's there as far as I'm aware! I think a better title for it might be "Kharkov" with the same basic story line! :D I do love this DIO. You are a lucky man Clive if you have both the Hartenstein hotel AND this factory that David did. These are two of my favorite pieces that he's done!
Thanks Matt,
I kinda knew someone would pick me upon the timeline accuracy but "Stalingrad" had such a nice ring to it.
So, howabout if we get all mysterious and I'll simply call it
"Desperation on the Eastern front":)
Thanks Matt,
I kinda knew someone would pick me upon the timeline accuracy but "Stalingrad" had such a nice ring to it.
So, howabout if we get all mysterious and I'll simply call it
"Desperation on the Eastern front":)

Even better! It allows each of us to look at the wonderful diorama and then daydream about whatever our imagination sees it as....Personally, I see Kharkov or somewhere around Lenningrad when I look at it....seeing your diorama makes me want to read Scorched Earth for the umpteenth time. I've been spending most of my time lately reading about D-Day and the Desert War, but I need to get back to books on the Russian Front.
That David does some crack work! I love the industrial aspects of the interior, with the I beams and chains... One query...Whats the difference in the yellow, white and black ordnance going on board?
First of all. What a fantastic diorama! :cool:

The normal ammunition composition for a Tiger I was 92 rounds with 50% being Pzgr.39 (armor piercing, capped, ballistic capped with explosive filler and tracer) and 50% Sprgr. (high explosive). Occasionally a few rounds of Pzgr.40 (high velocity, sub caliber, tungston core with tracer) would be carried for use against the heaviest armored opponents. This roiund was less destructive than the Pzgr.39 since it did not contain an explosive charge. The fourth type of round carried was Gr.39 HL (HEAT - High Explosive Anti Tank) which was a shaped charge warhead and would replace the high explosive portion of the ammunition load. It wasn't as accurate or destructive as Pzgr.39 but was a dual purpose round. As for color coding I'm not sure.
First of all. What a fantastic diorama! :cool:

The normal ammunition composition for a Tiger I was 92 rounds with 50% being Pzgr.39 (armor piercing, capped, ballistic capped with explosive filler and tracer) and 50% Sprgr. (high explosive). Occasionally a few rounds of Pzgr.40 (high velocity, sub caliber, tungston core with tracer) would be carried for use against the heaviest armored opponents. This roiund was less destructive than the Pzgr.39 since it did not contain an explosive charge. The fourth type of round carried was Gr.39 HL (HEAT - High Explosive Anti Tank) which was a shaped charge warhead and would replace the high explosive portion of the ammunition load. It wasn't as accurate or destructive as Pzgr.39 but was a dual purpose round. As for color coding I'm not sure.

Thanks Frank, Very similar to the present sabot options. I was looking at the ammo comps on the chassis that the men are loading, It seems the yellow might be the Pzgr.39 or Sprgr. (Sprgr. HE is sort of like a GP round?)
Good info on a fab dio!
My response was going to be Armour piercing and high explosive but Frank gave a much fuller explanation.
These shells came from another Figarti Tiger which was not well enough armoured to withstand the European postal service.
Gotta confess I didn't even realise there were 3 different colours, this warrants some more investigation as to which was which.
Thanks again Frank.
I really like this factory. I have been working on a demolished small factory also. All around Great job. Where did the interior pieces that are on the wall come from? The piping,valves,etc...
All the bits on the wall came from my spares box- old plastic kits etc. I always save any spare parts as you never know where they will come in handy.
The large metal plates and the wheels for the pulley came from O gauge railway stuff. There is a company near me that make O gauge rolling stock as well as buildings (the company is called Skytrex- they are also well known in the wargaming market and they still have the rights to Hinchliffe 54mm+ models). I get to use some of their spare parts.
That is about it really! I hope it helps.

All the bits on the wall came from my spares box- old plastic kits etc. I always save any spare parts as you never know where they will come in handy.
The large metal plates and the wheels for the pulley came from O gauge railway stuff. There is a company near me that make O gauge rolling stock as well as buildings (the company is called Skytrex- they are also well known in the wargaming market and they still have the rights to Hinchliffe 54mm+ models). I get to use some of their spare parts.
That is about it really! I hope it helps.

Thanks for the info David. I don't have enough spare parts like that so I tend to make them. I don't like the idea of making them but until I can find a good supply, I'll continue to make my own pipes,etc... Thanks again for your time and info.

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