Starting new Robin Hood Dio (1 Viewer)

El Pippo

Private 1st Class
Mar 31, 2013
Hi there.

As I am on Holiday and have a lot of time, I thought I could start a new Dio for Robin Hood. Although I dont even own one single figure from this series :rolleyes: ... we will come back to this later.

The last days I have rearranged my room, to get some space and started to build up a basis. The table now measures 70" x 60".

Here are some first photos, more to come the next days.




Should be a fun project. This is a very colourful series and not to many releases as yet, to be daunting in expense. Terrain and foliage will set that castle off nicely, as will some Blue sky backdrops for that corner. Looking forward to your progress shots. Robin.
I'll be following this with interest. I have a growing collection for Robin Hood as well.
First arrangment with Castle and some rocks.

View attachment 217865

I will be watching with great interest this 'Robin Hood' project as it develops...That terrific Elastolin Castle was the inspiration for the 'Medieval Castle' we built with David Marshall last year.

The original Elastolin one I bought for US$500 at our 'Texas Show' a couple of years back...It's sensational! Congratulations to El Pippo on such an ambitious creative project....And don't worry we've got more 'Robin Hood' figures in the works!

All the best and happy collecting and building, Andy.
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Waw, Big project . Keep us informed about it's progress please
Thanks for your comments.

I think all Projects are fun Projects, or not :) Thats why I love this Hobby...

The Castle is indeed from Elastolin Hausser and I could manage to get it for around 400$ from a collector friend of mine.

@ Andy, great to hear, that there are some more figures to come ^&grin

Made some small Progress today for the ground.


Already a big result with the Green terrain. Always a good reason to push forward when you hear the series has some legs, which means any number of exiting items may grace your diorama in the future. Robin.
Made some small Progress today for the ground.

Great project !

Look forward to watching the progress...Used to dream of someday having one of those Elastolin Castles when they were pictured on the cover of _Old Toy Soldier_ magazine.

Really like your print of the Bayeux Tapestry overlooking the diorama.

Thank you for posting.
Hello all.

The last days I have painted the ground in more dark green and dry brushed it. Added a backdrop in just blue ...

Thought of integrating a old roman road through a forest nearby the Castle.

Here are some more pics from last Status from yesterday eve. Hope you enjoy.


Your display certainly in coming on a pace. Really interesting seeing how it all progresses.

The last days I have covered the borders of the road with plaster and painted it.

Added some gras, bushes, rocks and trees. Also two wild boars are there for Robin and his men to hunt.

Hopefully the first figures will arrive this week :)



You're on a roll! It looks excellent. What boars did you use?

Thanks :)

The boars are from Elastolin, as is the Castle. The boars are still available from Elastolin by Preiser (Order # 47712) and they work excellent with K&C.

The last days I have covered the borders of the road with plaster and painted it.

Added some gras, bushes, rocks and trees. Also two wild boars are there for Robin and his men to hunt.

Tremendous progress !

"Boars" look not see much 'new' Elastolin in the U.S.

You do excellent work.

Thank you for posting.
Wunderbare Arbeit, El Pippo!
Es macht echt Spass zu beobachten wie ein Diorama waechst, Schritt fuer Schritt.
Du hast ein Haendchen dafuer.
Und herzlichen Glueckwunsch zu dem Erwerb der Elastolin Hausser Burg. Die sollte vom Massstab her ausgezeichnet mit den King & Country Figuren zusammenpassen.

Wonderful work, El Pippo!
It is great fun to watch how a diorama grows, step by step.
You have a talented hand for it.
And congratulations to the getting of the Elastolin Hausser Castle. As of the scale it should make an excellent fit with the King & Country figures.

Beautiful set up.
Looking forward to see your figures on it.

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