still in saigon (1 Viewer)

nam vet

Jun 2, 2006
wondering on the nam series
any new ones on horizon
still looking for 2nd set of orig marine group

vehicals a couple shermans nam markings or 114's would be nice:confused:
King and Country has said that they won't be doing any more Viet Nam. The best bet is the Figarti series or ebay. I think there are a couple of sets on ebay, however.
Hello Nam Vet,

Welcome aboard! Don't give up on the Vietnam stuff from K&C just yet. Andy has indicated definite no at present, but if there was enough interest generated by collectors or through a blockbuster movie, K&C will return to the subject. After all, only a couple fo years ago he said definitely no to WWI, and he just released the first figures from this series.
Yeah kind'a like that time Andy said no more airplanes and that other time he said no more American Civil War...:rolleyes:

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